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May 5,2040
Entry 1

Dear Diary...
Hello diary, I am your new writer Xephyr and I will be using you for a while (well hopefully)

My momma brought me this diary or journal a while back but I never used it because I thought that it was kind of stupid so I put it in a bucket that went into the attic and never touched it.

I wish I would have started writing in you a while ago but I couldn't get into it.

I was looking through some old things in my parent's house and I came across it. I don't know why but I picked it up and I've been debating if I should write in this thing or not but I have came to a conclusion that I should, so I will.

Speaking of my parents I haven't seen them in the last 3 weeks. I don't know where they went, it just seems like they up and left..

Well, I guess that's all I have to say so good night diary

~much love, ya girl Xephyr

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Dingbat 1 answer: Man on the moon

Chapter made: May 5,2019
Chapter published: July 25,2019
Revised published date: March 10,2021

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