#3- d. minnette

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dyl's pov:

" dylannnnnn. give me attention! " (y/n) said repeatedly.

" (y/n) i'm busy. i love you, but not now, " i replied, trying to focusing on writing.

she/he groaned loudly. " fine! i'm going to hang out with dandy, " (y/n) remarked.

" okay, " i laughed at how dramatic she/he could be.

~ another time skip, how surprising me? ~

" (y/n) i'm done! " i yelled, walking down the stairs.

i saw her/him asleep on the couch, cuddling with our pet beagle.

i chuckled at the drool on his/her face. i lifted (y/n) up, heading towards the bedroom.

i set her/him down on the bed. (y/n) looked so damn adorable and peaceful, when she/he slept.

her/his (h/c) hair sticking up.
i kissed her/his cheek as she snored quietly.

" good night, lovely, " i whispered.

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