Saturn (Part Three)

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Hitoshi didn't believe Lillian was back, but he didn't not-believe it. He couldn't bring himself to think it was true. Anytime he did, it brought back the crushing feeling he'd felt when he saw her body lying limp in Bakugo's arms. The haunted look on the champagne blonde's face as he held her like she was made of glass. Seeing the expression of someone who'd lost someone they loved dearly, and knowing he was mirroring it. It was devastating.

Lillian had been someone who, even on her darkest days, still managed to seem somewhat lively. Whether it be her tone of voice or her expressions. Her body-language and the way she'd inhale sharply when she found something funny but didn't want to laugh. There was always something, a spark. To see that all sucked away and knowing she was alone when it happened had broken him completely.

Neito of course had a key to Lillian's room, and he whipped it out. He was glad, suddenly, that he hadn't thrown it away. Grabbing Shoto by his sleeve, he twisted the key in the lock and cracked the door open almost as though testing to see if anything would happen. He could practically sense everyone holding their breath behind him as he nudged the door open, the sound of laughter leaking out from inside. It made almost everyone stiffen.

Clenching his teeth and steeling himself, he grabbed Hitoshi by his arm as well and pushed his way into the room, kicking the door shut before anyone else could swarm in or try to peek and see what was happening. Though everyone had seen Hitoshi break down, Neito was sure the exhausted teen would appreciate it if they didn't witness it again. He was vulnerable, but there was a difference between being depressed and tired and full on hyperventilating.

"Oh, h-hey guys!" Lillian chirped as Bakugo finished tying her shoe, looking brighter than anyone had seen him. Neito felt the air leave his lungs, his eyes going wide as he openly gaped at her. His arms fell slack at his sides, his grip on the stunned Hitoshi and Shoto dropping as he stared at the sight before him. The girl looked a little flushed, just as she always was. Her hair was in disarray, but not in a way that was unusual. The bags under her eyes were there, but not all that visible. She was... just her. Sitting there in shorts and a sweatshirt.

"L...Lillian?" Neito choked out, sounding strangled. Lillian's smile dropped completely as though realizing what this situation entailed. Like maybe she hadn't known she'd died, and thought this was a normal day. Bakugo stood up abruptly and suddenly, and though his grin had vanished, he was still undeniably happy. An odd word to associate with Bakugo, but without a doubt true. Neito wasn't focused on that, though.

Lillian wasn't sure what to do when her best friends burst into the room. Them barging in wasn't all that odd of a thing. Though boys were forbidden to enter the girl's dorms, and vise-versa, that had never stopped them, and she'd always appreciated it. But seeing their despondent and devastated expressions had been a slap in the face. The reality of the situation once again settled. Letting the fact that she'd died really didn't seem like an easy thing to forget, but she really just... didn't feel any different. She didn't recall dying. She just woke up in her bed feeling ill and... that was that.

"G-Guys..." She trailed off, standing up and taking a small step forward. Bakugo almost put a hand on her shoulder, but he stopped himself. Boundaries. She was okay now. Lillian was here, and she was fine. And he was in love with her. Sure, it took her dying for him to come to terms with that, but he'd realized it nonetheless, and now he was latching on and was never going to let go. He couldn't lose her again. It just couldn't happen. It wouldn't happen. Not with him around.

"How are you here?" Shoto breathed out so quietly Lillian barely heard. The freckled girl couldn't help but smile, and Hitoshi flinched as though he'd been struck. Bakugo understood that. He'd been the same way, but he didn't want to waste his damn time in disbelief. Lillian dying was a wake up call. One he really hadn't wanted, but got anyway. He wasn't going to waste anymore time. Humans were damn fragile. He could die any day. Lillian could. Anyone in his life could. He wasn't about discount that.

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