A Long Awaited Love!

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Kusanagi's POV

"Inori, open up! I'm sorry, I should have said it different, It's just that Mikoto asked me to. I'm sorry..."

~~Back To Yesterday~~

"Aww! Thanks MoMo, It's really good!" I couldn't help but smirk at Inori as she started to eat the chocolate cake I made her.

"Ok course it is, I made it. And I made it especially for you, so I made sure it would be good." I state as I played with her hair. She looks up from the cake and smirks,

"Hmm, I bet I can go in there and make a cake just as good! Right here right now, you like chocolate too right?" She gets up and smiles. "And stay out! It's gonna be a special cake for MoMo!" As she disappears in the kitchen, her brother Mikoto comes in.

"Special cake for MoMo?" I look at him nervously. It was no secret that he was over protective of his little sister, and I know for a fact that he knew I had feelings for the young girl.

"Haha, yea. I made her a cake and she said she wanted to make one for me." I avoid his obvious stare, and he leans on the bar.

"Sorry, but you do know that she is 18 and you are 26, right? Fix it." I only nod as I wipe the bar down in order to avoid an awkward conversation. I already knew what he meant, just didn't want to acknowledge it.

A little after two, she comes out covered in flour! But, still smiling. Inori then walks over and places a beautifully decorated cake in front of me.

"Wow, it's looks good! But I wonder if it taste good?" I take a fork and take a bite, horrible. But the way her golden eyes were filled with hope, made me lie.

"This is(gag) good." Dammit! Why the hell did I gag! It was an obvious fail and I could tell she got upset.

"Inori, it looks good, but it needs more work, that's all." I tried to comfort her, but she just got up, taking the cake with her.

"It am was my first time making something like that, so of course it sucked. I just wanted to make something for you." I couldn't help but tease her.

"Hmm, it sounds like your in love with me. But, I don't like women who can't bake a simple chocolate cake." I smile at her after she gave me that 'I wont lose to you' face.

"You know what Izumo, I'm gonna make the best cake ever! And it's gonna make you fall for me!" After that she marched into the kitchen. I look at Mikoto who stood up and walked to the couch.

"I said fix it, not make it worse."

~~Then, Earlier Today~~

"H-here! I stayed up all night to make this cake! I even tasted it to make sure it doesn't taste bad!" I look to Mikoto who was now sitting at the bar watching us.

"O-okay" I gulp as I take a fork and dig into the cake. My eyes go big, "How do you go from a horrible cake to an amazing cake?!" Her eyes light up and a big smile appears on her face. As she sets the cake on the counter she starts to jump around in joy.

"Mikoto, Mikoto! He likes the cake! He likes it!" She then jumps in to hug him. I could only sigh as I lean on the counter and start to eat the cake. As Inori calms down, I find her standing in front of me, face red.

"W-well? Di-did you fall for me?" Remembering what Mikoto said I feel a rush of guilt wash over me,

"I love you, but as a little sister. Besides what are you gonna do with a 26 year old man at the age of 18? Inori, I think your getting confused with the feelings of brotherly love and actual love." I try to smile but can't when I see her cry.

"Izumo, you idiot! You shouldn't have made me think I had a chance!" She starts to cry even harder as she ran upstairs. I look to Mikoto with a clearly upset face.

"I made her cry. Sorry, but I have to go talk to her. You can kill me afterwards." He gets up from the bar and sits on the couch. Making my way upstairs I think about what I was going to say. As I reach her room, I take a deep breath and knock on the door.

"Inori, it's me. Open up, we have to talk." "Go away!" "Ple-" "NO GO AWAY YOU BIG FAT IDIOT!" Getting frustrated I try to turn the door knob.

"Inori, open up! I'm sorry, I should have said it different, It's just that Mikoto asked me to. I'm sorry..." The door is suddenly swung open and I was pulled in. As I lay on the floor with her on top of me.

"What. Do. You. Mean? Mikoto told you to say that?!" I reach up and move a few strands of hair behind her ear. I sit up and without thinking I kissed her.

"He told me that his precious little sister was to young for me, and told me to fix it. But I just can't, Inori I really do love you, and have since I was 18 myself." Her face gets red,

"W-what are you a p-pedo! That would only make me 10!" I laugh at her statement.

"I guess so, but only for you." I smirk as I kissed her again. As the kiss deepened I pull away. She looks at me confused.

"But no more than kissing until your 21, got it. I'm already pushing the limits with Mikoto doing this." A little disappointment appears on her face, but she agrees to it anyways.

"MoMo, does this mean we are together now?" She says as she plays with my hair.

"Yes Inori, after all I love you!" "I-I love you t-too. Now, how are we going to tell my brother?" I froze at the statement, I completely forgot that he was downstairs.

"You don't have to tell me anything. But, Izumo... Let's have a little talk." I gulp as we both stand up and I leave with Mikoto to have his little talk. Inori on the other hand stays in her room.

~~Down Stairs~~

"Mikoto, I'm sorry; but I do love her and you know that. And I won't do anymore than kiss her until she turns 21. We both agreed on it. So plea-"

"Shut up. She is 18 and able to make her own choices. But, there is a 8 year difference between you two. What happens if you want a more mature woman or she gets tired of an old man, or you have another fling with another woman, whatever way her heart gets broken. Just keep that in mind, because if that happens I'm coming after you." Thinking carefully about it, I decide he is right.

"I understand completely what you are saying, and I think you are right; however, as you probably already heard, I have loved her since I was 18 and she 10. Yes I do realize your concern and it probably is wrong of me to like her in that way, but I do love her and the flings with other women will be no more. As of today with the knowledge of us both wanting a relationship I will be absolutely devoted to her and no other woman. Inori is smart enough to realize what may happen in the future and just like me, she is taking a leap of faith. So with your permission please let me have your sister." I bow to him hoping he can understand just as serious I am.

"(Sigh) do what you want, just remember what I said." He says as he walks out the bar.

"MoMo? Is it really okay?" I turn around and smile, "Yes now come on, get dress. We are going out to dinner to celebrate!" She smiles and jumps me for a hug.

"I love you Izumo!" "I love you too, Inori." As we kiss, the door opens and the other members walked in, shocked.

"Mah, mah, it's about time you guys hooked up!" Tatara says, as everyone else laughed. This is defiantly going to be a bumpy road, but I'm willing to do anything for Inori...


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