The man put his arm around Louis, and had whispered,"You, love, look too drunk. Would you like me to escort you back home?"

Louis giggled and shook his head, he remembers turning him down. He wished that he had said yes.

It was around four in the morning when the pub was being shut down and Louis had drunk his weight in complimentary pints and birthday shots. As he stumbled out, shoes dangling from his fingers, he saw a shadow looming around the corner.

Curiosity got the better of him. He hiccuped and peeked at the man standing there. He had warm skin and dark eyes.

The boy had noticed his bare feet. He offered his own boots and pushed them towards Louis.

"Need some help getting back?"

"Puh-lease. I'm kinda woozy and kinda fuzzy." Louis had hiccuped, trying to get his feet into the too big boots.

The boy smiled at him and picked him up bridal style. Louis had passed out before he could tell his address.

When he woke up with a pounding from the depths of hell, confusion, pain and panic were his only friends.

His shirt was on but his jeans weren't. Louis tried to stand up, he did. There was no pain, at least not the type after that. He navigated himself to the bathroom in the unfamiliar room and looks at himself.

His feet were blistered but he wasn't violated. Splashing water on his face, he slowly stepped out, trying to not wake the sleeping figure.

He picks up his jeans, patting around for his phone and wallet which he finds. His phone was on the verge of dying.

He shoots his mum a text saying he's at a friend's. The man rouses, he gives a sleepy grin at Louis and locks himself in the bathroom. He comes back with a toothbrush.

They both brush in silence. He offers some aspirin and water. Louis gulps both down.

"Nothing happened last night, right?" Louis asks, tying his laces, headache not as prominent.

The dark eyed man makes an affronted face,"No. You were too drunk and I'm not the type of person who'd violate others."

"Louis Tomlinson."

"Ansel Elgort."

"So Ansel did you carry me shoes here?"

Ansel chuckles at the question,"Yes I did."

"You drove barefoot then?" Louis asks and he nods.

At his nod of confirmation Louis clutches his hand to chest and exclaims,"Oh my god, you drove with dirty feet!"

Both of them laugh and Louis waves goodbye, eyes lingering on Ansel's torso a bit too long.

After that it was a blur of his mum's scolding, Ansel's face and wicked hangovers.

A month later Ansel had successfully worked up the courage to ask Louis out.

Ansel gave a shy smile and proposed,"I'd like to take you on a date, so would you Louis Tomlinson present me the honour of taking you out?"

Louis remembers giggling and nodding. He wishes he said no.


As the past plays out, everything I hold in becomes too much. I feel the urge to let go of all the words I swallow.

Remember Lou, don't ever swallow, spit it out.

My voice breaks as I spit the words I'd been holding back for so long,"I wished so many times that I had been raped that night. If I had then I wouldn't have been raped countless times over the past years."

"I didn't mean it, any of it." Ansel chews on his nails, head bowed.

"Bullshit, you knew it, you knew you were hurting me."


"Don't call me that!" I yell, not caring about anything but the anger surging up in me.

"You're a vile, disgusting human being! I didn't deserve any of the shit you put me through, I was there for you! And you—" my own sob cuts me off. I sob into my pillow, the action not so unfamiliar.

"I stayed, stayed when for the first time you didn't take my no as an answer. Stayed when you slapped me. Stayed when you'd leave me bruises and remainders of pain. Because I was foolish enough to believe that you'd change. I told this to Zayn and I'm telling you the same, I stayed because of an illusion that maybe I could help you change. Constantly I was in war with myself because I knew you were destroying me but I had been clutching onto one tiny sliver of hope, I convinced myself for almost two years that I could save you."

I whisper the last part,"When all I needed was to save myself from you."

Loud ringing fills the room, shrill sound of the generic ringtone piercing the clogging silence.

My phone lies on the dresser. I clamber over to it and my heart just stops.

Enigma (Hazzy poo)...


"Let me in Louis Tomlinson."

And the line goes dead.

Bruise of Love | L.S ✔Where stories live. Discover now