Chapter 4

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For the past week Claire has been having the feeling that someone has been watching her.
When she went for her morning classes, she could have sworn she saw a dark figure that hid behind a few corners of the school's hallway, or a faint silhouette, lurk through the crowds of young adults.
Sometimes, when she would pass by shops with big glass windows, she also thought she had seen a figure right behind her, dressed in black, their hoodie hiding their face and their arm extending towards her to grab her. Their white claw like gloves, barely missing her hair.
She would swiftly turn around to not see anyone, but only the few people that passed by giving her weird looks.

Now Claire was making her way home, after a long day of hearing her teacher's bickering about some topics that were insignificant to her. And during her way home, she had a bad feeling. Her organs seem to churn and and twist, as her heart seemed to have gone up her troat and got stuck there, preventing Claire from breathing properly.
She had a feeling that something, just something, was going to happen the minute she got home.
Claire no longer thought that she was imagining things after her last experience and decided to follow, for once, this "gut" feeling of hers.

Thus, entering her apartment, an idea came to her head as a smirk came to place itself on her lips.

<<Oh apartment is so "dirty". Better clean it up.>>

After systemizing things, she began waxing the floor that lead down her hallway towards both her room and studio.
Although, she did leave a path that would lead to her room, unwaxed.
And when she was finally done; she began to wait.

An hour had passed and nothing happened yet.

<<Maybe I really was overreacting..>>

But the minute those words left her lips, she could hear the lock of her front door being tampered with.
And that's when heart came to a stop.
The handle of the door began to turn downwards.
Reaching for the pocket knife she recently bought, she carefully made her way towards the the door, that began opening painfully slow, and getting tired of waiting, Claire grabbed the handle and swung it open.

No one.

<<Looking for someone deary?>> said a dark voice with a slight accent.
The young girl spun around in shock, slamming the door shut. And there he was. The killer, with his signature smirk that was displayed on the dark side of his mask.<<Now sweety...where were we? Because I am starting to get bored of this little game.>>. He said. <<I think we were at the part where you get your fat, ugly a** out of my house.>> replied the girl with hatred laced in her voice.

The man growled; and charged.

Claws appearing from his white gloved hands, as they reached out for her.
But Claire was quick and ducked down, headbutting the killer in the jaw.
He stumbled back grunting in pain.

"Ok Claire, follow the plan!"- The girl thought.

Racing towards her kitchen, she went behind the wide kitchen table, waiting for her pursuer; and indeed there he came, his mask displaying an angered expression on the blank side of his "face".
He walked towards the table, starring at her from the other side. But it wasn't long until an evil grin plastered itself on the beings face.
The man swiftly kicked the table, with force, making it collide into Claire's midsection resulting in her bending over. The man then climbed the table and began creepily crawling towards her like an animal. Being quick once again, Claire used all her force to push the table away from her, causing the killer to slightly lose their balance. His claw like hand barely making contact with Claire's face, brushing passed her nose. The distance wasn't enough so the young girl kicked the table again, making the table move abruptly, causing the man to completely lose his balance and fall off. Taking advantage of the situation she ran towards the hallway, staying on the unwaxed path that led to her room and successfully made it.
She could hear rapid footsteps coming to the hallway and as expected, a loud grunt was heard, followed by an angered scream. A very. Angered. Scream.
The scream didn't even sound human. It sounded like some kind of beast, roaring in rage.

"Perhaps this wasn't a great idea!!"- Claire thought in a panic.

She began looking for the key that would lock her door but unfortunately she couldn't find it.

<<Dammit! Where is it?!>>. Exclaimed the girl.

But in that moment the door swung open, knocking Claire to the ground. <<Argh!>> she grunted in pain as she hit the floor.
She lightly shook her head and looked up to see the man right in front of her.

To say that he was he was angry would have been just an understatement.

<<ゲームオーバー(Game Over.)>>

And with that said...

He lunged at her.

The Demon in Black and White.(Kegakao - CP Fanfiction) -UNDER EDITING.Where stories live. Discover now