Chapter 3

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The young girl was curled up, at the end of her bathroom.
She had managed to run to her room and lock herself in, thankfully she had her phone close by and after calling 911 and crying her eyes out, she could hear the sound of sirens in the distance, making themselves closer towards her building.

She had past the few 15 minutes of hearing the mysterious killer, trashing her house and laughing maniacally, saying that hiding was no use, and after hearing the police cars making their way to their location, he laughed some more and then; silence.

Claire had her face stained with dried up tears, her eyes still puffy and her nose still running.

When she finally came out of her hiding place, she saw how much damage had been caused. Valuable possessions destroyed and and smashed to the ground. Furniture's were ruined and destroyed, pieces of wood and glass were everywhere. If one wasn't wearing shoes they would have had many wood pieces and glass shards cut through their feet, creating and agonising pain.
Her living room was a mess. It was incredible how one person could create such chaos.
He nearly made his way in her room, but the police had arrived on time.

She quickly opened the door hearing loud knocks and a manly voice saying: <<Police! Open up!>>

The police had almost filled her apartment, taking samples and asking her different types of questions.
But soon, Claire came to find out that the killer had trashed another particular room which was NOT suppose to be tampered with.
Ignoring any further questions, she quickly got up and ran to her studio.

She gasped.

Ruined. Her artworks were all ruined.

Pieces of paintings and projects were torn to shreds, papers scattered around the floor.

And in the far corner, laid a white blanket, filled with dust. The well painted canvas, which was covered with the blanket, had three gashes in it. The face of the woman on top of it was ruined with those awful gashes, making the painting no longer lively and peaceful. It was ruined. The only thing that was remaining of Claire's beloved mother. The only thing her father was willing to give her, in memory of the woman that gave birth to her.


<<Miss...are you alright?>> Said an officer.

Claire remained silent. Everyone present in the room remained silent.
Fresh, hot tears made their way down the face of the young girl.
After a moment or two, Claire felt a hand rest itself on her shoulder. Looking back she saw a young woman; her dark hair packed up in a bun, with her dark blue uniform, combat black boots tightly laced up to her ankles. She had a sympathetic smile on her face, and pointed outside.

<<Want some air?>>

Claire stared at the woman for a moment, and then nodded.


After a chat with officer Rose, who calm the young girl's nerves, Claire gave every detail she could give on behalf of the intruder. She was even more certain that he was the murderer in person, since the officer said her home wasn't the only one that had those types of claw marks. Apparently every victim who had encountered the killer had their homes trashed and those animal like gashes, were always present at the crime scene.

Officer Rose was a really kind person, and she knew how much Claire valued her artworks, for she loved painting.
But to be frankly, the artworks were the last thing on Claire's mind. She could always remake them.
It was one particular painting that was tugging unto her heart more...

<< I must say Claire>> Rose began, lighting up a cigarette. <<You're the first person to survive the dangerous killer.>>
Claire was silent.
<<I have no idea how you managed, but talking about further matters...We would like to have your permission to transfer you to another location. The killer knows where you live, and you are at risk now. He doesn't seem to be the type to leave a job undone. This is for safety measures, if you know what I mean?>> The officer said taking another puff of smoke from her cigarette. <<You can also search for a new apartment in the meantime ->> But Miss Rose soon got interrupted.

<<I'm sorry Rose. I am not changing location. And I am not looking for another apartment.>> Stated Claire, determination very much present in her voice.
Rose felt the slight anger in Claire's voice though, and she saw a particular emotion flicker in the eyes of the girl.
Rose sighed in frustration.
<<Claire. I'm gonna be clear and straight forward with you. If you think, revenge, anger, will help you, then you're more than wrong. You're not dealing with some fat or depressed, drunk guy, killing people anyhow. You're dealing with a professional. Heck, even more than just a professional. So don't think of->>

<<I'm not planning to do anything Officer Rose. >> Said Claire, pronouncing the name with slight distaste in her mouth.

<<Claire Skye. I am serious. Stay out of this and take the advice.>>

<<Is it by force?>>

<<No but->>

<<Then its final. I am not moving.>>

With that said, Claire got up from the staircases and made her way back into the building, towards her apartment.

The Demon in Black and White.(Kegakao - CP Fanfiction) -UNDER EDITING.Where stories live. Discover now