✓ Chapter Sixteen.

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I stand a foot away from her, "oh Sana~ come here~", I beckon her to come to me, I force a smile, even though it's not forced at all. Teasing her is fun. I can see her contemplating to move away or dash towards any direction except mine, "I'm not going to hurt you, I promise".

She slowly pushes herself off Jeongyeon's car and she slowly steps forward to me, her guard is down. I spray the nozzle at her. I laugh as she screams her lungs out. I know she's enjoying this, from her laughter and yelling for me to stop and she's screaming sorry while giggling. I forgot how long I've laughed this hard. She starts running away from me and I'm close behind her. I feel like I'm 5 again, she brings that child in me.

I let the hose go running after her after our bodies are complete soaked through. I caught her in my arm and tickle her playfully. We roll around in the grass until she taps out, yelling she can't breathe. I agree with her, I need to catch my breath.

"If you want a fight, war is what you'll get", I laid down beside her on the grass.

We both stare at the sky.

She can't stop giggling, "Sorry~ sorry Chae", she rolls over and rested her head on my arm, "it's fun though right?"

I smile at her, "yeah ... yeah it was".

Jeongyeon and Mina are in the living room. Jeongyeon is on her tablet, she meant to listen to music but end up watching ... prank videos? Youtube's video recommendations are weird. You kind of lost track on where you start and how you end up where you are.

Regardless, Jeongyeon is laughing hysterically, "Mina ... hey Mina, come and see this".

Mina is standing near the window, "later", she runs outside.

Jeongyeon looks up to look for Mina, but she finds Momo walking in instead. Their eyes met and Jeongyeon yelps but couldn't look away.

I hold my hand out to help Sana up, then I see Mina stomping in our direction. I've known Mina for two years now, and in those two years, I've only seen her angry twice ... this is the third.

She folds her arms across her chest and frowns, "look what you've done!", she narrows her eyes at us.

I look around, did I miss something? ... "ehh ... what Mina?"

"THE FURNITURE!", she gestures towards the, now drenched, table and chairs.

I look to where she's pointing, odd, they get rained on all the time why is she making such a fuss about it, "ehh ... it will dry itself in the sun?", I really don't know what to say to that. I start to clean up my car wash supplies.

"Next time, don't waste water by playing around like little children!", I hear her accusation tone behind me.

"Excuse me?-", I'm turning around slowly to glare at Mina.

"-It's my fault", Sana chimes in our little argument, "I started it".

WHO CARES?! We didn't leave the water run all fucking day! It was just ... how long were we out here again? Wait ... "Sana, you don't need to apo-", I try to sound as calm as possible to talk to Sana.

"Then please be more responsible next time Sana-ssi", she fakes a smile towards Sana and left us standing there.

"Oh let me help you clean up", she's rushing to help me put away my things, but I grab her arm to stop her.

"No need Sana ... go in, take a shower and change your clothes, you're soaked, stay warm, before you catch a cold", I smile at her.

I see a pink tint on her cheeks, is she cold?, "nae Chaeyoungie~" I watch Sana go in the mansion, a smug smile on my mouth, Mina got jealous ... "but why don't I care that much about it? ...", I scratch my wet hair. I shook my head and packed away my things before heading inside to clean myself up. I walk into my room to find Sana on my bed.

Sinful Love [ JEONGMO | JEONGMI | MICHAENG | SACHAENG ]Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum