Chapter 3: Support

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Aragami's head

You draw your sword, charging your foe. Their face was hazy and impossible to make out. In their palm sat a glowing ball of flame, and the other held a sword. They taunt you with a laugh. Before you clash, the vision fades...

The Vale Docks

Two Faunus sit atop the roof of a warehouse overlooking the docks of the city. They watched as a Bullhead dropship flew over them and landed in the large open space in front of the warehouse. They continue to watch as a large squad of White Fang grunts unload from the dropship, followed by a certain ginger thief.

"What are the White Fang doing with him?" The cat Faunus known as Blake Bellodonna noted. She quietly got off her stomach and drew her sword from her back, "I'm going to get a closer look." She said before jumping off the roof and behind some shipping containers.

She made her way to the crates not too far from Roman's back. She stepped out from behind them, placing her sword at his neck. She called to the grunts, "Brothers of the White Fang, why are you working with this scum?"

They leveled their guns to her, but didn't fire due to Roman being taken as a hostage. Roman chuckled slightly, "You must've not gotten the memo. Me and the Fang... have an agreement."

At that moment, another Bullhead flew over them and hovered over the water at the end of the docks. Three snipers aboard the dropship shot out the lights around the docks. The warehouses covered the area they were standing in with shadow. A bird whistled above them with a slightly haunting and unnerving call.

Blake pressed her blade closer to the thief's neck. "Do you think that the dark will help you?"

Once again, Roman chuckled, "Oh, those aren't for you."

Before she could reply, an invisible force slammed into her back, launching her away from Roman.

Blake's companion, who had been watching from the shadows, was launched from his hiding spot moments later. Sun landed next to her. They got up shakily, confused how Roman was doing what he was.

Roman whispered something to something to his left. The two Faunus assumed he was speaking into a radio for back up.

Before the two could do anything more, they were sent flying by the mysterious force, once again, this time to the left of where they were standing. They got up again, standing back to back and scanned the area around them.

The White Fang grunts looked to Roman for orders. He told them to continue with the mission.

The two who had back to back needed to stop them, but needed to figure out what was attacking them. They scanned the shadowed area around them, seeing nothing.

Suddenly, Blake spotted a faint, warp effect right a few feet in front of her. She turned her sword into a gun and fired a shot at the strange warp. It bolted a inch or so from where it was to dodge the bullet, but the flash revealed a humanoid shape for a split second. She shot into the air a few times, finding the humanoid being damaged by the light, as a few areas around it, that were original white, were now red.

"The light!" Blake called, "It's damaged by the light!" She sprinted to a warehouse firing her gun into the air to stun their enemy.

Sun followed her, both jumping to the roof and into the moonlight. They stood on the roof and scanned the ground below them. Unbeknownst to them, a small black puddle of shadow formed under their feet.

The attacker teleported behind them and kicked them off the roof. Sending them back to the dark battlefield.

They got a good look at the invisible foe that now stood silhouetted by the moon. The front of it, the side away from the moon, had a glowing skull like mask. It drew its weapon, jumped down and vanished in the shadows again.

Blake barely had time to block when a blade flashed in front of her, almost knocking the sword from her hands. Had she not blocked, that slice would've cut her throat cleanly apart.

She was forced to use her semblance to avoid the constant, lightning fast attacks. She kept pushing to the opening between the warehouses, an attempt to get her pursuer into the light. Sun was fighting with Roman, and losing. This drove her to work faster at revealing the invisible man.

Right before she reached the moonlit opening, a gunshot rang out.

Blake spun around, spotting her teammate Ruby firing her sniper from the top of a warehouse's roof. Her shots quickly incapacitating several grunts in seconds. The flash of her weapon wasn't bright enough to light up the docks, but Blake knew what would happen next.

"Ruby! Move!" Blake shouted.

Ruby looked to her, cocking her head to the side, not understanding what Blake meant. She didn't notice the black splotchy of shadow form underneath her. The spirit teleported behind her, kicking her hard in the back and sending her flying off the roof. Ruby slammed onto the ground and into the shadowy docks.

The spirit was briefly seen on the roof, almost seemingly looking to Roman for orders, but quickly jumped to the ground once its new foe appeared.

Penny quickly jumped into battle, but quickly moved to Ruby's defense once she saw the young girl on the ground. She was somehow narrowly avoiding whoever it was' attacks.

Blake quickly scanned for her Faunus companion. Sun was unconscious by a shipping bay with scars covering his arms and chest.

Before she could decide if she should go for Roman or Sun, Roman let out a loud and high pitched whistle that hurt Blake's ears. Penny's attacker must've stopped, from what Blake could see.

A police siren whined in the distance, and the Bullhead, Roman and the White Fang arrived with, was firing up. The ramp on the back of the Bullhead was open, and just barely in the moonlight. In that moonlight, the invisible man appeared, his sword dripped with blood and a blackish ooze. In one swift motion, he cleaned his blade and sheathed it.

As soon as Roman boarded, the dropship flew off into the night sky, and hundreds of Dust crystals, bullets, and shards with them.

The police arrived moments after Roman escaped. They gave us all medical attention from the bruises and cuts we sustained while we were being attacked by whatever it or they were.

Whatever, or whoever that was would make the Fang an even bigger threat than they were.

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⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: Sep 20, 2019 ⏰

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