I could feel everyone's eyes on me.

 "-therefore we will now proceed with the case. I call the until-now criminals to enter the courtroom." He continued.

wEW that was a long-arse essay.

My breath was hitched in my throat as I saw Keith enter the room from behind the judge, still handcuffed. He wasn't looking up. It was as if he knew I was here. He was forcing himself to look at the ground.

You hear that? It's the sound of my heart breaking into tiny pieces.

Behind him entered Theo. He was looking at the ground as well, but suddenly he looked up, found my eyes, and gave me a small smile. His eyes immediately went towards the white concrete floor again.

Behind Theo came Dani! I desperately tried to catch her eye but she was looking at the floor.

Why were they so interested in the floor today?

Then entered Roy. He was the only one who looked at me for more than 3 seconds. Then he just stared at the back of Dani's head.

Sarah came as well. She snatched a look at me shook her head. In disappointment? I don't know. My heart was breaking more and more. They all thought I was fighting THEM, not FOR them.

"You guys think that if you don't look at me, I won't be here, don't you? Well I'll tell your sorry butts right now that I'm here to help you." I yelled.

Silence. Oops, I don't think I was supposed to interrupt standard protocol.


Theo looked up at me and grinned like a child receiving a present on Christmas. "I KNEW IT! TAKE THAT, ROY, YOU COW! I TOLD YOU RACHEL WAS GONNA SAVE US-"

The judge smacked his hammer on his wooden desk. "SILENCE!"

Immediately, all you could hear was silence.

Then I snorted.


The judge glared at me before tapping the desk with the hammer 2 times.

"We will now commence the trial. I ask the lawyers of each side to come up."

The lawyer Alex found for us stood up and walked towards the judge. No one else got up.

So Keith didn't have a lawyer?

ooOH teaaa

Mr. Grumpy Pants (*coughs*, the judge) tapped his desk multiple times with his hammer AGAIN. "Ah, I see that one party does not have a lawyer. Therefore, I announce this case undecided-"

"OBJECTION!" I suddenly yelled.


I'LL BE  THEIR LAWYER!" I shouted, continuing my random outburst.

Silence again.

Alex nudged me. "Don't say anything stupid." He whispered.

"ReLaX. I GOT this."

He rolled his eyes.

The judge's mouth was open like a dead fish who needed H2O ASAP. "You can't be their lawyer!"

"Hell yeah I can!"

Gasps circulated around the room.

"No vulgar language is spoken here, ma'am."

"Fine, fine. But what I'm saying is that if no lawyer decided to take up the gang's case after seeing their ugly constipated faces, I will!" 

"Hey!" I heard Theo shout. Then I heard him laugh. "You only mean Keith, right? I mean look at hi- OW!"

The Gangleader Owes Me Ice-Cream (COMPLETED, EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now