
10:43; Hey, Lena! What time are we meeting for lunch? 😃

10:47; Twelve thirty good for you? 👍🏼

10:47; Yup, sounds good. Noonan's?

11:02; Sure! I'll have to see if it's as good as you say 😉

11:03; It is! I promise 😈 👌🏼

11:03; I'll see you soon. It'll be good to see you! 😎

11:04; See you soon x

12:17; I'm heading down now. 😃 I'll grab us a table. Want me to order you anything?

12:37; Hey. Are you running late?

12:42; Where are you? 😛

12:49; If you are we can re-schedule

12:50; running late that is 😀

1:05; Missed Call: Kara Danvers

1:06; Lena? Please text me back. I'm getting worried.

1:11; I'm serious Lena, where are you? Call me as soon as you get this okay. I'm really worried.

1:27; I called L-Corp, they said you weren't in today? Please tell me you're okay.

2:16; Lena, if I did something that's okay, just let me know you're okay. Please?

2:10; Missed Call: Kara Danvers

3:21; I'm coming to your apartment with Alex

3:58; Missed Call: Unknown: Voicemail left at 3:58- seventeen seconds long

4:03; Unknown number: Where the hell are you, Lena? I'm getting really worried now! Please, please call me back.

"She's not answering, Alex," Kara said worriedly and almost crushed her sister's phone like she had her own.

"Maybe she just got caught up in her work, you know how the scientist types can get," Alex offered reassuringly, trying to calm her frantic sister. She hadn't seen Kara this upset or concerned about anyone in a very long time and considered that maybe Maggie had been right about Kara, but tossed that thought aside, Kara needed her first.

"Not Lena," Kara shook her head. "I was texting her this morning, she remembered our lunch date. She was coming! I knew we should have kept the protective detail on her!"

"Okay, okay," Alex said and looked around the CEO's empty apartment. At any other stage, she would have enjoyed the luxury and maybe taken a peek at her secret lair- if she could get in-but with the apartment manager watching her, and with her sister almost wearing a hole in the floor, she was more concerned with locating the missing Luthor.

"Look, we'll go into work," she said carefully. "And see if we can get Winn, or maybe even J'onn to try and find her."

Kara's head immediately snapped up and the fear in her blue eyes softened for a moment. "Good idea. Thanks, Denis!" She shouted to the manager, grabbing Alex's arm and dragging her from the room and towards the stairs. Alex was certain she would bruise come morning, if not later on this evening, by the tight grip the Kryptonian had on her, but she grit her teeth through the discomfort and let Kara virtually carry her down the stairs. She definitely went faster than a normal human should have been able to and almost sprinted from the lobby, dragging Alex along behind her. She tugged her sister behind the first dumpster she could see and was soon shooting into the sky in her red and blue uniform, clutching the agent under her arm.

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