Since she had landed on earth and developed her powers due to earth's sun she had to learn to tune out much of the noise of everyday life. It had been very difficult for her when she first heard people crying for help and Alex would have to hold her as she cried about them needing help and her being unable to help them and how it was 'so loud.' Over the years she had gotten better at tuning it all out, solid in her role as Kara Danvers, nothing special about her, until, of course, she had outed herself when she saved her sister. Now she was more open to the city, blocking a lot of the noise with selective hearing, letting it filter through her mind unchecked and only pulling threads of sound when it caught her attention. The cocking of a gun certainly caught her attention.

Her head snapped up and she glanced around her, straining with her senses to catch the sound and heard the soft click of a trigger being pulled and all of her being was focused on the spinning bullet as it ripped through the air and towards the podium. Lena!

She was before the brunette as Supergirl in the span of a heartbeat, catching the bullet between her fingers and glaring down its path at the being that dared take a shot at the young CEO. The humanoid creature flinched away once the shot had been made, and around her chaos erupted as the humans caught on to what had happened. She felt their heart rates leap and pound in their panic, but her main concern was on the heartbeat behind her. She could taste their fear in the air and felt her fury rise and crushed the bullet in her fist, feeling it crack and splinter and turn into dust as she closed her fist.

"Supergirl," she heard breathed behind her and she spun around to make sure Lena was okay.

Lena's fair skin was as pale as death and the only color in her face was her lips, brows, and bright green eyes. Her breath was coming in short, sharp bursts, the rapid fire of an automatic gun, and her heart was trying to beat its way free from her chest.

"Miss Luthor, are you alright? I need to get you to safety," she said quickly and the woman looked at her in disbelief, the typical underlying arrogance the rich and powerful had, and she almost felt small. The look was similar to the ones the girls in school had shown her, but only more powerful. She moved forward to pick Lena up and carry her to safety and the brunette's head snapped up heart thudding and she ground to a halt at the flash of fear she saw in her eyes. She felt like her feet were lined with lead, keeping her earthbound and was quick to assure the young CEO that she wasn't going to hurt her. "I'm not gonna hurt you."

The Luthor rolled her eyes and side-stepped the hero. Lena's heels clicked as she strode off the podium, hair flaring behind her majestically and Kara hastened after her.

"Miss Luthor!" The shooter, or someone else, could hurt Lena while she was out in the open, and the brunette's heart rate abruptly increased and her eyes were frantic over the media, who were coming to their senses and had their cameras pointed on the two.

"Supergirl," Lena spun and Kara nearly walked into her and had to quickly step back to avoid a collision. "Don't you have a would-be assassin to catch?" And what was it with powerful women who managed to make you feel moronic with an eyebrow arch and the right intonation?

Hearing the murmurs of the media she glanced around to see them nodding in agreement. "Right, um, just, ahm, stay safe," she said, not sounding as confident as she would like. Lena was like Cat, capable of commanding a room with her mere presence alone and demanding your obedience in the same thread. It was very challenging.

She launched herself into the sky and flew towards the building where she'd seen the shooter, hearing the DEO channel crack into life.

"Supergirl," J'onn's commanding voice echoed in her ear. "What's the situation?" She quickly relayed what had happened and told them where she was heading. Alex came online and told her she and a few agents were on their way as well, the sound of a chopper in the background.

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