My life drastically changed

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Wow guys, I can't believe I kinda just dropped off the face of the earth. I'm so terribly sorry for all the comments and messages I never replied back to. I guess I should explain myself. Not too long after my last chapter I moved out of my parents home with a friend. We were fine and dandy then we gained another roommate. All the while I was overwhelmed with the mess of my belongings and not only that, I ended up dropping college for a while. I got a job close to home and started working my ass off at both jobs. Well, my depression got the best of me and I've been drowning in it for a very long time now. I just quit my toxic job and kept the other one. I have so much free time now I have been doing things I once loved and spending time trying to get to know myself all over again.
I cannot thank you guys enough for the love and everything. Since I have more free time and everything, I think I'm gonna finish the book soon and start a second one.
A lovely reader asked me if I could ever make a YouTube channel to do my witchy stuff and I think I might start that soon. But I want you, the reader, to give me feedback and help me along the way. Would you want to see me do some witch stuff on YouTube? Tbh I'll probably do more than just witchy stuff as well because why the hell not lol.
I'm so much happier now guys and my roommate and I are working out this whole adulting thing. I think I'm finally proud of myself guys. Thank you so much for all the support and I love every single one of you beautiful creatures!!!!

Stay witchy cuties~

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