"Well if you ever wanna share some of that beautiful art knowledge with me, I would gladly accept" I gave him a wide cheesy smile. He was about to say more when the doors to the room opened and Leillan stepped in.

"Hey losers, miss me?" she gave me a small wink. Leillan was wearing a loose grey top that had a black belt around the middle, and her hair was tied up in a long ponytail. Leillan was also wearing a pair of those blue jeans like the maids were before, but they were a bit tighter, they flattered her body nicely. As she walked closer, I felt my cheeks get hot. 

"You good Cy?" Leillan asked 

"Umm y-yeah...yeah it's just you are" I took a breath "you look stunning." Leillan gave me a low fake curtsy.  

Harmony turned his attention back to me "So Cyra there is lots I need to teach you about Vinick and about your identity I had made up for you before you head off on your mission." I could tell Harmony hated the thought of me leaving to the way he clenched his jaw. Unlike Leillan he would pretend to be supportive of my decision, but his body language showed me something completely different. I leaned my elbows on the table and noticed Leillan mirrored my action. 

"What is there to teach me? I am a maid and Vinick is evil. Boom, I am a genius," I said as I dropped my golden fork onto the table. Harmony rubbed his forehead and sighed. 

"There is so much to tell you that I do not know where to start," he mumbled to himself. "The prince that is getting crowned king is Arksel Blais; he is the second oldest child of Pyro Blais." 

"The second? I thought the first child got the crown?" Leillan asked as she pulled her feet onto the table. Harmony pushed her shoes off the table with a butter knife.

"The first usually does but Pyro's first child just..vanished" Harmony wiggled his fingers around as his he was casting a spell on the cup of water that sat in front of him. "Prince Arksel has the ability to suck the life out of someone just by a simple touch of their skin. His right-hand man is a soldier named Zydan Burket; he can control shadows. I have decided that it will be the easiest thing for you if you did not have to lie too much, that is when the most mistakes can happen." Harmony got up and walked over the tall window behind me "Your name will stay how it is. You have been a maid since you were younger, you have one older sister and one younger sister. You chose to start working for the king because you have a passionate need to serve your kingdom even if it means sweeping the floors for the king. Nothing is more important to Prince Arksel than loyalty to the crown. He is known to be a ruthless man when someone in his kingdom is not fully devoted to him. You are absolutely not part of a rebellion and the word Majiey means absolutely nothing to you." Harmony's eyebrows started to furrow together as he concentrated on something in the distance. The room stayed hushed except for the occasional scrap of Leillan's fork against the plate as she ate. 

I got up from my chair and walked over to the window. I tried to look into the distance like Harmony had been. I saw nothing but clouds of red sand blocking something from our view like a curtain. 

"I have to go; you two stay here." Harmony demanded before he stormed out of the room. The door hadn't even closed before Leillan was out of her seat and running to follow him. 

"What are you doing?!" I demanded as I chased after her. 

"What does it look like I'm doing Cy? Something is going on, and I'm not gonna let some little boy with a crown boss me around." 

"Have you ever considered the option of following the rules?" I said when I finally caught up to her.

"Rules are for chumps and people who are afraid of the dark," she smirked as she glanced down at me from the corner of her eye. I pushed her gently. 

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