Chapter Five

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 I followed Harmony into the castle as quickly as I could, but it was hard to catch up to his long strides. And when I say I followed him I mean Leillan picked me up bridal style and chased after him. I don't think she even noticed my extra weight much since she was more focused on what Harmony was whispering to Nikae. It was hard to make out a single word they were quietly mumbling to each other. When Leillan began to walk after my already pounding headache got worse. I didn't say anything though since I knew Leillan well enough to know when she was determined to eavesdrop or figure something out; nothing was stopping her. When she creased her brows together in determination, you knew whatever you were going to do to stop her would be powerless. So I just wrapped my arms tighter around her neck and shut my eyes. 

 "Leillan I will get you a maid to bring you to the doctor's station" Harmony's deep tone seemed more clear now that my eyes were shut. His words more pronounced and echoed through my mind for a few lingering seconds. 

"Tell me what is going on with the Vinick kingy, I didn't come here so you could hide plans from us," her tone was sharp, and I could feel her impatientness. I think Harmony must've stopped walking because I thought Leillan come to an abrupt halt. 

"Leillan please just take Cyra to the doctor. She is obviously in pain could be very hurt. We will all talk afterward."

Leillan sighed as if she had been defeated. Her arms locked tighter around me as she turned and walked away from Harmony. I assumed she followed someone to bring me to the doctor's station. 

"I'm sorry Cyra. I didn't mean to..." she seemed like she didn't know what to say, but she didn't need to. 

"It's okay; honestly I'm not even hurt I just wanted you to carry me." I could oddly sense the smile that curled up onto her face. 

"You're lucky. I'm such a saint or else I would drop you." I could heat the anger she had pent up from earlier drifting away.

"Aw yes, how blessed I am to have you in my life," I opened my eyes for a moment to look up at her, but I was welcomed with a blurry swirling image of Leillan. So I quickly closed them once again. But the sound of her laughing made me feel better. 

We made it to the doctor quickly, and Leillan thanked the nurse at least a thousand times. The doctor worked instantly to stitch up my forehead. They placed some sort of cream to numb the pain, but the pulling sensation was something that made my skin crawl. So instead I tried to focus on how much cleaner the doctor's office was compared to the one in Recline. How they had trained doctors, they were even more medically advanced than I was afraid Recline would ever be. They told me I had a mild concussion and to rest as much as possible. I could tell Leillan was anxious to get to the meeting with Harmony by the way her foot was rapidly tapping against the floor. She even half dragged me out of the room the moment the medication the doctor prescribed to me was in the palm of my hand. 

"Hey, careful! I am injured!" I said in over dramatic tone.

"Didn't you think Harmony's magic back there was reckless? Like he could've seriously hurt you.." she began to walk a bit faster. 

"I am sure he was doing his best not to try to hurt us but what else could he have done." I saw Leillan's cheeks go a faded pink color.

"He could have picked a better route in a less open area and maybe we would've been seen!" I didn't say anything else since my head was in too much pain to argue. I followed her closely since she had a better idea of where we were going than I did. The hall's walls were each a different color, in one section it would be a light teal color then you would walk into the next area, and it was a passionate red color though, the floors stayed a constant white marble throughout the whole castle. When I looked up at the high ceiling that seemed to reach up for miles they were once again made out of glass.

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