"Okay. We'll be ready to leave right away. Prussia, can you get in touch with those outside?" Russia asked. Prussia smiled.

"Okay, England, Canada, you'll help me." Prussia said to the two nations who just nodded.

"The place is the room opposite to the fireplace room. It's supposed to be well hidden under the carpet." America said crossing his arms.

"Got it ~ Sir, we're off, sir!" Italy saluted moving around the room. I stood up and stretched, grabbing my bo I claimed yesterday.

"Good luck!" Canada called out. I looked back with a smile.

"Thanks! You too!" I called as I stepped out the door going down to the metal door. Italy and Romano where waiting for the rest of us. Romano cracked the door open and peeked out, slowly leading us out of our base. 

I was walking a little behind the others (not like last time when I was ambushed). I found my thoughts going back to the pocket watch. It was weird. Why was it bothering me so much. I jumped slightly when someone grasped my hand. I looked beside me to see Spain giving me a kind smile. 

"You look troubled? Anything I could help with?" Spain asked curiously. I smiled at his concern.

"I'm fine. I'm just thinking on some of those memories that I saw the other day." It wasn't a lie. It unnerved me more now that we know they where our past memories. I had actually woken up to a nightmare of it last night, Hence is why I was in the bathroom when I was.

"Do you want to talk about it?" Spain asked, tightening his hold on my hand. I smiled and shook my head.

"No, not really. I want to try and move on and forget those memories." I said looking forward.

"Chica, that's not healthy." Spain said. I looked at him a while. He was right. It would make me feel better to talk about it. I sighed.

"Can we talk about it later. Its not really a good time." I said, pointing out that we where already at the door. He nodded in understanding and backed off a little, but kept a firm grip on my hand.

Italy opened the door and stepped in. We followed close behind. I slipped my hand from Spain's and grabbed my bo with both hands, ready for a fight.  I walked around a little, but stumbled over the carpet a little. Germany caught my arm steading me.

"Thanks." I muttered to him earning a small grunt. Italy kneeled down and reached under the carpet where I had tripped, pulling out the piece of metal.

"I hid it here... I don't remember that at all." Italy stated with a distant look.

"Oh! Hey, Veneziano, where's the monster going to come from?" Romano asked. Italy looked at him confused, he was trying to remember.  The room shook and the next thing I knew was I was being picked up.

Germany had lifted me up and jumped back from where we were standing. I yelped at the size of the thing. It was twice the size of Russia and looked like it had hit the gym. I moved from Germany's arms and jumped for my bo that I had dropped, being missed by the monster as it brought its hands down towards me. I rolled away and jumped to my feet. 

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