I jumped when I felt a heavy arm on my shoulder. I looked to the owner to see Kakarot smiling down at me "Don't worry sis, Brock knows what he's doing. He'll be back before you know it!"

I nodded, but for some reason I had a bad feeling

-3 months later-
I bit my nail as I waited my results. My mom, Chi Chi and Gohan, my toddler nephew were sitting next to me.

My mom gripped my hand and smiled

The weird creature came out with a small smile "Well Vi, your results came in and it seems that you are indeed pregnant. 3 months to be exact"

My heart began to beat very quickly and it was hard for me to breathe


I felt my mom wrap her arms around me "Vi, calm down"

Calm down? I couldn't. I mean how could I? I just found out Brock is MIA along with his ship after completing their mission a whole two months ago! And to top it off I'm freaking pregnant. Three months pregnant no less.

"Vi, it's ok."

I blinked and looked at my moms face "it's going to be ok."

I nodded and glomped her, tears running down my face

-2 months later-
Brock is still missing.

I am now five months pregnant and you could definitely see the bump. My mom regularly checks up on me, which I find nice of her

I continue to work to keep my mind off of my missing husband

Bulma told me that King Vegeta is trying his very best to locate Brocks ship but every time they think they got something it vanishes
I sighed and stared up at the sky

Brock where are you? You're supposed to come back to me

—later that night—
I tried to go to sleep but I couldn't

I was really really hungry so I got up from the comfort and warmth of my bed and made my way to the kitchen to make something

I missed the red eyes following me

I yawned as I finished my snack, walking back to my bed is when I felt something was off

I whipped my head and turned super saiyan, the golden glow showed who was standing in front my living room


But it wasn't Brock at the same time.

This version of him was taller and bigger. His hair was past his shoulders and much more spikey. His eyes were still sharp but were blood red. His arms and his waist were covered in black/burgundy hair, his tail bigger and bushier.

I gulped "Brock?"

His scowl slowly turned into a smirk.

I felt my heart pound as he stepped closer. I stepped back getting nervous of not only his appearance but his unusual aura

He stopped and frowned as I stepped away from him. Out of mother instinct I placed my hand on my growing baby bump and stared at his face

His eyes flickered to my belly and I jumped when he moved too quickly for me to comprehend

I felt his big hands feel my bump and his nose breathing in my smell as his mouth went close to my ear.

I started to shiver

"Shh, don't be scared Vi. I won't hurt you, I still have control." His deep gravely voice spoke

I pulled away from him and stared into his red eyes. He had a small smile on his face and he came close and kissed my nose

I slowly turned off my super saiyan mode and wrapped my arms around his neck. We kissed for a very long time.

When I pulled away from him, he was back to his normal Brock self

"Brock...what happened? What was that form? Why were you gone for five months?" I began to ask frequently my hormones all over the place as I began to cry

He sighed and pulled me close, mindful of my belly "Well, where should I begin?"

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