"Was that you screaming in the hallway too?" he asked, looking up.



"Because Merida won't forgive me for what I did. She finally sees how much of a monster that I am. Once she knows you're better, she's going to leave the mansion."

"You're so stupid, Mr. Higgs." He said, moving to see Higgs better. "She wouldn't leave even if you bit her leg off. She's mad but I know she'll move on like she usually does, but she won't leave you. When she was Lord Clarvins' prisoner, she told me all about you and how much she wanted to return because she was afraid you'd think she had ran away. She always thinks about you, Mr. Higgs; she always thinks about what will happen if she does something that affects you. I bet you she's already thinking about how long to teach you a lesson or something."

"Maybe..." He leaned back on the bed with Edgar laying on his chest again. "The month is almost over and I have one transformation left. Then I'll be free for two whole months... What an unexpectedly annoying and eventful year it's been."

"Uh huh."

Higgs chuckled. "Knocked you around a little too, didn't it, kid?"

"Yeah... but we have Merida and she'll pick us back up."

"If nothing else she's known for that."


A couple of days later was the end of October and moving on into November. Edgar was finally fully recovered while Kans and Radek had to go back home.

Merida hugged Kans as he pulled away from her slightly. She let go of him and gave him a confused expression.

"Sorry... if I'm being difficult. Maybe you shouldn't just come up and hug people." He growled.

Merida blinked as Radek looked over his shoulder and whacked his brother with his horsetail. Kans hissed and walked away, grumbling something. Merida looked at Radek for answers.

"It's called a troll cat. He's in a pissy mood the majority of the time and has cat-like characteristics. He'll be nice if you give him milk or cream though."

"Aye, I see... Weel, ye come back and visit more often than ye do. Dinnae let that harpy keep ye."

"Of course. It was great to meet you, Ms. Dunbrough. You're everything and more." He said, kissing her knuckles.

"Ye are a flatterer, arenae ye?" She turned to the carriage. "And ye, ye ken to what I told ye about yerself. Yer not anything less that human, ye ken?"

Kans just grumbled loudly but waved to her from the carriage. She smiled along with Radek

"Take good care of my nephew while we're gone. He can be a handful sometimes but he's a good kid. Please treat him like you treated my brother and encourage him the same. He may not have the physical transformations to show his discouragement, but he has a lot of mental and emotional scars that need healing."

"Aye, I ken ye. I willnae go anywhere."

"Where is Higgsy?"

"I tried to get him up but he was dead asleep with Edgar." Jami said.

"Hmm... and you, FrouFrou, keep out of your brother's way regarding rampages. When I come back here next time, I had better see a wedding band on your finger and a beau at your side."

Fuchsia blushed. "I'm- I'm working on it..."

"Ye dinnae have to have a lad an ye dinnae want to. Better to get a good one that be desperate and end up with a numptie."

To Love A Myth - Book 1: Mr. Higgs and the Maid🎩✔️Where stories live. Discover now