There were 2 things he considered from the story: 1) the fact that she had to pre-plan her outfit means that she's going to go somewhere around early morning to late afternoon, and since the Cineplax opens by 11, the latter was the only reasonable assumption. 2) She was trying to- and failed- create a 1970s look.

Since Sierra was deathly afraid of horror movies- something she had told him a while ago- there's no way she'd be watching Friday the 13th or Nightmare On Elm Street. With those out, there's only 1 movie made in the 1970s and showing by afternoon: Grease.

Knowing this, Reece couldn't let any inconvenience stop him from doing his job. "I... just wanted to spend some time with you guys, y'know? I know I don't talk that much, I'm the new kid and all but I thought maybe a movie day would be a nice way to get to know each other..." It wasn't the most morally correct thing to do, but resorting to pity usually works.

And so it did work as both Eddie and Mara immediately softened up, he could see the resolve in their eyes crumbled and what remained was just a touch of guilt.

"Sorry," Mara mumbled, her right hand ruffled her dark red hair in, she looked uncomfortable but sympathetic. "I understand, Reece. But...wouldn't a movie day in Eddie's house be more comfortable."

Reece shrugged, keeping his facial expression soft. "I'm a big fan of movies and theatre honestly, I thought it would be the best way to watch it."

Eddie sighed, he gave his friend a defeated stare. "Fine... but, I thought the tickets were sold out? Isn't that the reason why you guys were arguing?"

"I know," Reece said. "I'm thinking..." There had to be an alternative. He couldn't accept anything other than success.

Stealing was a hasty option and it was too difficult to gather tickets that happened to be 3 in the same row. Sneaking in would be too much of a trouble, the other two probably won't be able to keep up well enough- plus one of them was too much of a prude. What other options...

His eyes scanned the room, over and over again waiting for something to pop up in his head. Then he stopped at the sight of the counter. No, it wasn't those appealing caramel popcorn that distracted but the thing behind the counter; the big metal door that said 'Staff Only'.

Even though the cinema was pretty crowded, there weren't a lot of people working in the building. A few controlling the entries, a few washing up the place but only one working at the counter. Wow, that must be hell.

The girl who worked at the counter wore the same signature black shirt like every other staff member, but she looked the youngest there though probably still older than he was. Maybe some college girl. She was very average looking, with plain brown hair tied up in a clean ponytail. Reece noticed that she was somebody who smiled easily, having no trouble to pull her lips up even though it didn't quite reach her eyes.

That was enough to convince him to try something. He'd done it before, but it wasn't something that he would want to get used to.

"Wait here." he murmured to Mara who just nodded absently as she stared at the toilet hard as if willing for Eddie to come out instantly.

Reece stood in line- smoothly cutting in front of two people too absorbed in their conversations to notice him- and silently observed the counter-girl before he'd have to speak with her.

A beige tote bag was on the back counter, nearly empty except for a book and a small lanyard sticking out of the edge. The small strap was a shade of deep blue, the letters UF stood out in white.

Ah, that was helpful.

"Here's your regular popcorn and large soda," the server said, handing over the items to the customer. "Enjoy your movie! Next!"

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