Chapter 21: Transformorportation

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Chapter 21: Transformportation

I continue on through the day. I sneak peaks at Kia. Every time, he catches me I smile. "Kia when do we have to go back?" I ask unsure of myself.

"Unfortunately, soon."Kia replies.

Kia pulls me into a hug. I didn't realize soon was when he could get a hold on me.

Safely, back in my room is where my feet touch. Bang Bang Bang. I open my door with a grimace on my face. I move out of the way for Keeson to tumble to the ground. Kia tries stifling his laughter. Keeson gets himself together and begins dusting himself off. Keeson finds a tear in his suit and becomes angry. Keeson lunges at Kia. However, I was in the way. Keeson hit me causing contact between Kia, Keeson, and I. Kia out of protectiveness of me tries materializing us some where.

We end up in this weird place that is no where like any place I have ever seen.

"Where are we?" I ask out loud even though I did not intend to ask.

"I do not know Jaz. I have never been here."Kia answers confused.

I turn to look at Kia. Kia doesn't look like he normally does. Instead he appears as his transformation of what he becomes when angry. I look to find Keeson floating away as if he is possibly  unconscious. His appearance is a a blood crimson with pointy, shredded, and transparent wings. Possibly wearing permanent markings of a tale possibly ,and his ears are large and pointy.

I look around to see my surroundings are constantly changing to reflect my thoughts. As if my thoughts are a movie or a painting that constantly changing  because the artist doesn't not like that idea.

Does Jaz know she glows? The beautiful teal color that surrounds her makes her new features stand out. Her features once looking soft. Her once a blue-gray eyes are now a vibrant orange. Her clothes once normal are now those of royalty. Purple is the color of royalty but the floor gown is what stands out with its elegance to feature her. Her hair creating a small crown. I wish I could take a picture, however my memory will suffice.

With out realizing I heard everything, my thoughts of what I heard began to reflect around us.

"Jaz are those from your head?"Kia questions with fear.

My anger boiling to it's peak changed the scenery. "Unfortunately, yes this reflects my mind. You can see some of what I got through except it doesn't get louder with you." By the end of my rant I was shouting.

I begin crying. I feel a soundness rain touch me. We are not getting wet though.

"Jaz it will be alright. Please quit crying. I promise we will figure out what to do." Kia says more confidently than I feel.

" I think we went through a Transformportation. Which is a transformation in a transportation.Let's just think." I say out loud knowing either way he would know what is going on.

》》》》》AN: Well secrets are spilling. Jaz is what exactly? Nothing but a learning experience. Keeson does he know? Kia is there for her but why? Thank you for reading. Sorry for a late update hope you are enjoying. ;)  Please vote, comment, and fan. ;)


€ Jade £

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