story 4.1

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'Finally, it's my first day of work!! I am so excited!!!' Is what I thought until I meet her. Yes 'HER' the devil with a smile. The angel of DEATH. The one and only, the most loved most worship one of all. The previous member of the lollipops, Jade Purple.'

'Yes, Jade purple the ultimate idol. She sings, dances, acts, and so much more. To her fans she is the angel that descended from heaven. To me she is a demon preparing to feast on me.'

My thoughts were disturbed my a screaming coming from a dressing room. As I ran in I saw Jade crying with her make up running down her face. Every person in the room rushing to comfort her and wipe away the tears.

Slowly her tears turn to a water fall and her cries got louder. I moved everyone out of my way and covered her mouth with my hand.

I sighed and asked "what is it jade?" She stopped crying and got a hold of herself. She then said " why does Danny get to pick what she wears but I don't?"

"Jade your an idol with an image to protect if you wear something out of character your fans will notice and will think you are only putting up an image and that the person who you are is not the person you are on stage...oh how disappointed your fans will be"

She comes close to my face and said " my outfit!!!" She began to act out like the child she is and so I had so make a sacrifice.

"Alright how about in the next show you and the designers work together to make the outfit?"

"Promis?" She said with teary eyes "yes I promis" in a moment of excitement the 18 year old idol jumped and hugged me, which throw me off guard. As she jump on me, I slipped and fell with her on top of me. As I hit the ground I closed my eyes.

To my surprise a delightful laughter filed the room. As I opened my eyes I saw the angelic girl sitting on top of me laughing with the most gentle smile. She stood up and went back to her station.

I left the room and bumped into one of my coworkers, I apologized but then she spoke "Martin are you sick?"
"No, why would you say that?" She placed her hand on my forehead and said "you're face is red and you seem to be burning up." She grabbed my hand my hand and took me to the closest doctor.

I tried to pullback my hand but she had a strong grip " You really don't have to do this Taylor it's fine really, you should probably go back to Danny. She probably needs you right now."

She stopped and looked at me with confidence written all over her face. "I as usual already took care of her from A to Z so no need to worry. Come on now"

The doctors checked me and found nothing unusual but asked me to rest. As I placed my head on the hospital bed, my eye lids grew heavy and the world went black.

The sounds of rushing and panic filled the room. I woke up to find out it's almost show time. I arose in panic running to the aid of miss jade. As I arrive in the room I saw the angel of death sitting happily on her chair with Taylor by her side accompanying her.

The moment Jade laid her eyes on me her smile dropped and looked away. Taylor giggled and told me why jade is mad "apparently little miss jade missed you~"

"She did?" I asked but Taylor just walked away. I walked over to jade to apologise for not doing my job properly but the result was truly surprising. She hugged me and cried. She said that she was sorry and that she never meant to over work me.

I spent a while calming her and telling her "No matter what you do to me, 8 am your manager and you are my responsibility. And for that I am sorry I couldn't do why job miss Jade"

I gave her a gentle smile as she wiped away her tears. She got up to go to preshow practice, but when she reached the door she turned around and looked at me straight in the face and said " Manager Martin, for your incompetence today you will work extra time for the next week. And don't mistake my kindness for love...idiot"


Thankfully the show went well. The fans were roaring in excitement and enthusiasm as usual. With the online review of the concert as positive as always

As tradition us managers dropped the idols back at the hotel with security and went to the bar. We began celebrating another successful show.

Eventually, I ended up talking to Taylor.
"You know she really like you. Right?"


"Miss Jade. The moment I told her that you were sick she had a melt down saying "I only want Manger Martin" on and on again."

"Omg I am so sorry...I will make sure she apologizes to you immediately"

"Oh No" she laughed "she was very sweet to me. Oddly we grew closer to one another today thanks to our mutual admiration towards you"

"You don't say"

"Indeed we did she was so adorable when she described you. It was as genuent as can be."

"Your so kind Taylor, thank you for everything" I then engulfed her in a hug, which lasted a while till two phones began ringing.

The first was mine. I answer...and of course it was jade giggling on the other end. I turned to red faced Taylor  speaking on the phone.

I excuse myself and walked to Jades hotel room with jade already dead asleep. So topical of her. I covered her with a blanket, turned off the lights and slept in the bed next to her's.

random storiesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora