stoy 3.1

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Hi, my name is  Rebecca if you didn't already know i am the future of one of the biggest companies in the world.

The previous CEO, my father, started this company in 1986, when he was 25. married my mother when he was 30 and she was 25 then, two years later, their first and only child, born 1993.

Now, i am 25, single and happy living the life i want. Some may even consider my life the quintessence of a perfect life.

"Miss White. Your father would like for you to visit him at nine tonight so please be ready" said my secretary with a tepid attitude then leaves my office.

I lay back in my chair and start to ponder about what my father needs from me, when i heard a knock at the door and remember that i must go back to work.

Hours later, i look out the window to find that day turned to dawn. I looked at my watch and realised i had an hour and a half to get ready to meet father. I got up from my chair and went home.

I got dressed in my most opulent clothing and left to meet father. I arrived home and was hit with a wave of nostalgia.

"Huh,This place hasn't changed one bit since the last time i was here" i sensed a meticulous figure moving behind me i turned and an uncannily familiar face.

"Mother and father have been waiting for you to come home and decided not to change anything till you came back" the second daughter of the family, my younger sister, spoke with a nonchalant tone.

"It's been a long time hasn't it sis" i said while walk closer to her. I stared regretfully into her eyes. "I can't take it anymore" i pulled her in a cogent hug she can't pull out of. She tried to fight back but failed and gave into the hug.

"Sorry i couldn't come earlier i just had so much work with the company and-" she cut me off and said "stop it, i get it it's either you or dad, but i don't think mom will be able to forgive you that easy"

"And that's why i got her this" i wave to my secretary to get the gift i prepared for mother and asked " what do you think?" While wiggling my eyebrows.

   Chuckled and said "you really know how to play mom and dad like a piano" i replied with a cocky grin a cross my face "if you stick with me kid you will be able to play all three just like me"

I walk off and walk up the stairs to my mother's private courtiers and saw her sitting at a window with her eyes fixed outside. "Mother? May i come in" i asked after I knocked at her door.

I turned on the lights of the dim room. She sat still at the window not even moving a muscle, she had unkempt hair, and sleep wear. " i got you something" i walked closer to her and handed her a teddy bear that holds a red heart with the words "I am sorry" sewed on it.

I placed the bear beside her, but still no reaction. "Would you like for me to play the piano for you?" I asked as I walked towards the piano placed in the middle of the room. I sat down and started to play my mother's favourite song.

Her stolid expression softened and she looked my way. She had puffy red eyes and a sad yet worm expression on her face. She got off the window seat and warily walked closer to me.

She sat with me and started to play along with me " just like old times " she looked at me with tears in her eye " oh dear " she hugged me and began to cry.
"Oh how you've grown" she began to playfully  beat me and said "why. Haven't. You. Come. To. Visit. Us" "awwww" I screamed.

"I am sorry~" I said in a sad regretful tone. " you better be. Now then your  father would like to see you...he has an announcement to make." The last part unsettled me.

I walked to the outside gazebo where my father was waiting patiently. Weird... he had a book in hand giving it his full attention. As he sipped is favourite tea green tea with lemon and white honey, which were all set on the tray on top of the gazebo's stone table.

I sat next to him as he set his book down. He looked at we with happiness written all over his face. He took me in with the biggest hug possible. 'I miss them so much' is all I could think of at that moment. We pulled away when he spoke.

"Finally, the guest of honor finally arrived" he stated with irony. "Hi dad~" he looked confusingly as he say "how I am your dad now? I never knew. I am honoured"

I gave my father a death stare to state my dissatisfaction with his comment. He laughed and imbibed me in a hug.
"Oh come on~ don't you have a single funny boney in your body?" He asked.

"Oh no sorry father I single handedly broke each and everyone of them." I said. My father began to laugh, but slowly the laughter died off.

"Daughter, I called you here today for a reason." He said in a serious tone
"yes father?" I answer
He explained "Rebecca. Many years ago I needed help with my business...I would have done anything to be successful. And So I did. I started to make deals with a friend of mine to help me. First it was to help get dirt on a competitor, then it slowly got worse. Eventually, I stop asking for help but I still owed him. Well...recently he asked...for me to go through with my final promise."
"Dad...what did you do?" I said in fear of the truth.

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