story 1.1

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"are you sure you want to do this?" a man spoke

"yes" I answered

"you can't go back you know. after all, you're selling yourself"

"I know"

"Alright then sign here and here" he proceeded to pull out a contract stating that I no longer am a woman for from now on I am a thing for my master, and nothing more.

I sign the papers knowing what I was going into, for I had no home to go to or family to return to, all I had was my dignity but I already sold it, so now I truly had nothing. two men took me to another room with two woman and closets full of accessories for me to accessorize and make me more likable I guess. the two woman pull me in and start to 'fix' me up with makeup and doing my hair and dressing me up.

an hour or so later, a man walked in and took me to the 'showroom' i was given a number and asked to wait in the waiting. they called my number then escorted me into the showroom. I walked into an octagon shaped room with a platform, to stand on, in the middle, with windows, one on each wall, surrounding me, but one of the walls was the entrance, and so it had no windows. I walked on the platform and the announcer introduced me.

"now this lady right here is one of a kind for she is-"

I didn't care one bit for what he had to say so I zoned out for the whole introduction, and before I know it the bidding had started.

"2 from number 1, 2.5 from 6, 3 from 4, 5 from 3-" minutes later "9 from 1, 10 from 3, 11 anyone?... going once, going twice, 50 from number 1?!?!?!" I looked at the direction of window number one in shock thinking 'why would anyone bet 50 million for me?!?!'. the announcer continued "55 anyone?...going once...going twice...SOLD to number 1. well this is all for today please make your way out to calm your ladies"

I was escorted back and taken to bidder number 1. He was a tall well build handsome young man with short fringed up black hair, black eye, and remarkable and unique features.I didn't get to talk to him, and I barely even saw him, for I was quickly escorted out to a car with a man inside. he was a young, thin, had dirty blond short undercut hair, with blue eyes.

I sat in the car quietly when the man spoke. "he paid 50 million for this?!?!" he said in a displeased tone. I ignored it and looked out the window and watched as the car started to drive by trees, cars, people, buildings. "hello~ don't you know how to speak?" he said "it's not that I don't know how to speak it's that I don't want to waste my time and words speaking to someone like you" I fired back "excuse me?!?!" I again ignored him and went back to what I was doing.

as the car was driving I started to see fewer trees, cars, people, buildings, and at one point there was nothing, just dirt. hours later, the car stopped at a castle. I walked out of the car and was greeted by maids and butlers all lined up the stairs. a man with gray hair and a butler outfit walked up to me and said "miss will you come this way" I followed him then asked, "where are you taking me?" "to your chambers" "my chambers?"

he took me to my chambers and said " this s your room miss. it was decorated by with the finest of decore and made especially for you" he then left me to be alone. the chambers were colored in gold, white, blue, black, pink, and green and included a bedroom, a bathroom, a bathing room, a closet, and a living room.

the first room I walked into, the living room, had a tv on the wall a bar, a table with couches surrounding it, a chandelier, a big wall window looking out on the property, a piano, and some decore like vases with flowers and trees and such things. the next room, the bedroom, had a big princess bed in the middle with a seat in front of it, a dresser on the side, and a balcony that looks out at the property. I walked into the bathroom, it was a normal bathroom, mostly white, but it had nothing for showering. next came the closet. it was humungous and included every clothing item from every brand and in multiple sizes and different colors. the last room was the bathing room. the bathing room was a whole world of itself, the bath was more of a swimming pool that starts shallow and ends deep, with a waterfall at its end, and on the side, stood a large glass cabinet that was filled with hair products.

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