Blame it on the Moon

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Being a traditional tattoo artist has its perks. Especially one who has been studying the art of Tebori. Rán is not only one of the best Tebori tattoo artists in the world, but also she travels the world studying other cultures historic tattoos, and how they inked their skin. Over the years Rán has had countless tattoos of her own. Her skin was barely visible considering most of it was now covered in ink.

Rán had been in the middle of setting up her own studio when she ended up receiving an invitation from John Haywood himself to join him on a trip to Norway, as the alleged remains of a viking had been found with well preserved tattoos.

That is how Rán ended up staying at small town by the name of Kattegat in Southern Norway. As a special guest she was given a large house right on the water overlooking the large bay. Rán was happy to accept the invitation after the years she has spent going to Norway on family Holidays, and Rán always being fluent in the language also made her the prefect candidate for this expedition.

Rán had only been in Kattegat for a day helping Mr. Haywood before coming home, and collapsing on her couch exhausted. A sigh left her lips before she managed to drag herself up, and walk to her bedroom to change into her bathing suit and stepping outside into the night air.

The locals looked her over as she walked the beach, the full moon making her look almost godly with her countless tattoos, long raven hair and simple white bikini with only a loose oversized shirt acting as a coverup. As she walked along the beach lost in thought she had managed to make her way to a secluded area where its seemed the local didn't even venture near.

By the shore stood a large tree with markings carved into its wood, that even time couldn't ware away. Rán didnt even see the markings as she slipped off her shirt and started to walk into the water.

The cool water caused goosebumps to spread over her exposed skin, as she wadded out deeper. She felt as if the ocean was calling to her. A gentle whisper that glazed over her mind as her eyes faded to a soft glowing blue unable to pull away from the water's siren song.

She swam farther out into the bay not noticing the sound of the locals shouting warnings of the lunar eclipse slowly taking place. Once she reached the center of the bay she was left panting and treading water as the sweet song had faded away. Rán quickly moved to float on her back looking for some rest gazing up at the lunar eclipse in awe. The sound of the locals weren't even heard as she gazed up at the moon that was mere minutes away from being hidden. As she watched patiently, she felt the pull of the tide change violently.

Rán quickly got back to treading water making a effort to swim in the direction of the shore, but she didnt budge from her spot in the water. Panic slowly started to set in as the moon inched closer and closer to a total eclipse. "Help!" She cried out in a panic before she was begging for anyone to save her.

Just as she was about to call out for help once again the tide pulled her deep beneath the water. The moon now in full eclipse as Rán was encased in pure darkness. She struggled against the current thrashing about as she kicked as hard as she could as  she was determined not to drown. She struggled to keep her mouth shut as her arms and legs started to ache and her lungs were nearly burning as she started convulsing.

Just as she was about to give up and let the water into her lungs, light started to break through the water, and raging pull of the current had completely settled. With the very last bit of energy she had, Rán broke through the surface of the water gasping, and sputtering for air. The sunlight blinded her vision as she limply kicked her feet, her toes just barely grazing the sand beneath her.

Rán let out a sigh of relief as she saw land, and her feet touched the bottom. She raced towards the shore, it was her only motivation, and focus as she dragged her tired body onto the sand. Dropping to her hands, and knees Rán was left gasping before turning to collapse onto her back to stare at the bright blue sky and shining sun.

In that moment she let her eyes drift closed and she took one big gulp of air after the next. This lasted less than a minute before her eyes shot open, and she looked up at the sky. She blinked shielding her eyes from the sub, before quickly sitting up. She could have sworn only minutes ago, it was almost midnight, but now it looked to be early morning.

Rán dragged herself to her feet, wobbling only slightly before finally taking in her surroundings. The boats that normally rested in the harbor were completely gone along with various buoys. Where buildings and homes once rested was now replaced by towering trees and cliffs. Words were ripped from her lips as she turned around slowly and took a cautious step back.

"This cant be happening" she muttered to herself as people started to take notice of the strange half naked woman that had just washed up on their shore.

Axes were drawn as a few men inched towards her. "ég er ekki að fara meiða þig" (I mean you no harm) Rán spoke loudly hands raised as she slowly inched back towards the water.

"Who are you?" One of the men ordered, but before Rán could answer a woman stepped forward from the crowd. Just by the way she carried herself, and the reaction of others, Rán knew she must be in a position of power that commanded respect.

She walked onto the beach to stand only a few paces from Rán. The woman's gaze trailed along her body, before eyeing the tattoos that ran along her skin. "My name is Asluag" she spoke now meeting Rán's gaze with a smile.

"My name is Rán" she responded back nervously as she was more concerned with the armed men behind Aslaug.

Aslaug turned and motioned for the men to stand down before moving forward while taking off her cloak. "Come, you must be cold" Aslaug hummed as she pulled her from the water and draped her cloak over Rán's thin frame. "Lets get you warmed up and some food to eat." She soothed the panicked woman as she wrapped an arm around the shivering woman and walked her off the beach.

The two women walked through the large village heading towards what Rán could only assume was the great hall. The villagers stared at the shivering half naked, barefoot woman wrapped in Aslaug's embrace both confused and intrigued about the woman's identity. Rán bowed her head to hide her face as Aslaug led her into a large building before leaving her side.

As soon as she entered, Rán was met with the warmth of the fireplace, and loud noises of men bickering, but she paid it no mind before going over to the fire in desperate need of warmth. The cloak slid from her slender shoulders as she strode over and stood before the fire with a gentle sigh as the flames warmed her skin and dried her swim suit. Her eyes drifted closed as she hummed in delight at the large flames that danced before her.

Aslaug was going to go over and wrap her back in the cloak, but found herself captivated by the strange woman's completely inked skin. Each design followed the curve of her body, with bright colors and strange designs she had never seen before. She had dreamed about her for nearly a month, and now here she was. The only thing missing was the bright blue eyes. She had no idea is this woman was a goddess or something else but she couldn't deny the enchanting beauty before her.

Rán was lost in the heat radiating over her freezing cold body that she didnt even notice how the room had gone silent, and four new sets of eyes were trained on her.

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