Extended Summary

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Cheyenne wants to be free.  It's hard enough that her brother is stuck in a wheelchair with her family already financially unstable. But when she's forced to quit Jameson School of Dance - one of the best dancing schools in the nation - she feels like she needs to completely stop her dancing career and get a job to help pay for her brother's care. She'd do anything for her family, even if that meant sacrificing doing what she loves. When her parents tell her that she's moving across the country to go to some high school that supposedly has a great dancing program, Cheyenne doesn't know what to think. They're not letting her stay home; seeing her fulfill her dreams is like them fulfilling their dreams. She has to move in with a new family and start from scratch. Making friends proves to be difficult; not even the girl she shares a room with will talk to her. When will freedom ever be granted to her?

Alice wants to be loved. She's tired of having no one to comfort her, protect her, make her laugh and smile... stupid anxiety. She lives in a cocoon of hoodies, earbuds, and books, shutting out the world so she can avoid interacting with it as much as possible. Music is her main escape. It distracts her long enough to not feel so bad about herself during the day. When some dancer girl moves in with her already too-big family, she just wants to run and hide, but this time, she can't. She's forced to share her school and room with her. This girl tries to talk to her, but Alice can't afford to break down. Dancer Girl is a stranger, just like everyone else. But she seems to be doing fine adjusting to things and already has more attention at school than Alice has had her whole life. Advice is the last thing she wants to ask, but Alice can't get this one guy out of her head, even though she's never talked to him. Being the insecure an anxious person that she is, Alice wonders if anyone will ever love her for who she is.

Michael wants to be respected. He's tired of being pushed around all the time by kids at school, his stepmom, and even his brother. No one seems to care that he's at the top of his class, a third-time winner of Student of the Month, the fact that he's had perfect attendance since the 2nd grade, and the fact that he's wins the science fair every year with his cool inventions, such as the Spray-On Instant Laundry Detergent that instantly cleans your clothes (with the side effect of turning your yellow clothes green). Anyhow, Michael doesn't see why he's treated the way he is and he's sick of it. Maybe, just maybe, he should do something - anything - to finally get the respect that he deserves, no matter how dangerous. One day, they'll be graveling at his feet.

Isaac wants to be noticed. Not because of soccer like his old man wants him to be, but for music. He's basically a soccer player by day, singer-songwriter by night. No one knows about his true ambition, and right now, Isaac needs to keep it that way. His dad would probably kill him if he found out. Sure, soccer is fun and he's been playing it his whole life, but the pressure put on him to make varsity is destroying him. If he doesn't make varsity this year... Isaac doesn't want to think about it. Songwriting really helps with the stress his dad puts on him, and he wishes he could do it more. Isaac has gotten good at being secretive, but when some girl walks in on him singing after school, his secret gets compromised. He's gotta do everything and anything to keep it a secret from his family. Maybe one day he'll get himself out there, which is basically his dream, but not now. Definitely not now.

David wants to be happy. He wants to stop wearing a fake smile and start wearing a real one. But he's been numb for a long time, and he's losing hope that he could ever feel happy again. Medical help isn't an option since his dad spends all their money on booze. Sports are a good distraction, but it only lasts a few hours a day. He wishes it lasted forever, just so he doesn't have to go home ever again. Maybe it's better for him just to end it all. He's done with feeling disconnected from everyone, he's done with getting bruises all the time, and he's done with feeling like he has no one to talk to. What is happiness, anyway?

Kaylie wants her best friend back. She hates herself more and more every day for not being there for her. If Kaylie paid more attention, or hung out with her more, or even had the brains to suspect what was going on with her, maybe she wouldn't be gone. But now she is, and she can't save her. Kaylie is forced to go back to school just a couple of weeks after her best friend's death, and she has made up her mind. No more friends. No more parties. No more caring for people. The more she cares for others, the more she gets hurt, and she doesn't think she can handle any more pain. Losing anyone else isn't an option.

~~author's notes~~

Thanks for reading this really long extended summary! I'm sorry for the length, but there's 6 different POV's that I'm doing for this book, so I think it's easier for all of us to introduce these characters a little bit before you start reading. So yeah. This is also technically my first novel on wattpad, so please be patient with me. ;) Love you all <3


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