The not-so-good decision

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>luke pov<

"What are we gonna do?"

I say looking at the note emma just pulled from the tree. She looked at me then gripped her gun.

"I'm gonna go find him"

She started to enter the woods, but I grabbed her arm and twirled her around to face me.

"Your not going out there alone, are you crazy"

I cared about Emma to much I wasn't about to let her go on a suicide mission like that.

She jerked her arm away from my grip and glared at me.

"Then what do you propose we do, we can't just leave him out there"

"Well, we can get more people to come and help"

"Just more people at risk of getting killed luke, if I go by myself I can get in, get out, no problem"

"But what if you get killed emma....then what?"

She narrowed her eyes at me. I sighed a looked her, her eyes released some tension as they met mine.

"I can't lose another friend emma, I-I care about you to much, to much just to let you run out there and get shot, murdered......or bit"

She stared at me in silence for a moment.

Her voice softened in her next words

"Okay, let's go tell Daryl maybe he'll know what to do"

I let put a sigh of relief as we headed towards the prison.

^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^"They have Rick?"

Daryl question.

"And whose this governor douche?"

I snickered a little, but all that earned me was a look from Emma and Daryl.

"I don't know, never heard of him I guess that's who ricks been talking to"

Emma said. Daryl crumpled the note and threw it to the other side of the room.

He sung his crossbow around and held it in fire mode.

"Well, let's go get him"

Emma smiled as her and Daryl headed out to go and save Rick.
I wasn't gonna let them fight alone.

I spun my knife in my hand as i thought about what i could do, then I headed back to the prison.


>Emma pov<

"You realize he's gonna get Glenn, ash, and micheal out here to help us right?"

I say as we walked along the trail daryl found.

"Yea I know, hopefully he'll have enough sense to keep his mouth shut so no one will worry"

I knew he wouldn't, in a couple of minutes Glenn and Maggie would be at our sides.
**an hour later**

We arrived at a large gate of some sort. There were men ,with guns pointed straight at us, standing on the barricade.

"Hold on!"

One of the men said. We stopped and looked at him.

"Why are you here?"

"Are friend is here and we want him back"

I say in a slightly aggravated tone.

"What's his name?"

I looked at Daryl, and his eyes said 'go for it' so I trusted him.


The guard laughed, which made me feel uncomfortable.

"Alright then, come on in.....we've been expecting you"

A man grabbed me from behind and tied my wrist together. He then covered my head with a sack cloth and everything was dark.
I kicked as hard as I could trying to hit his knee caps, shin, nuts, whatever I could.

I screamed as loud as my vocal cords would let me (trying to draw walkers in to eat these stupid people)until the back end of a hand gun hit me in the head and knocked me out cold.

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Hello, sorry to end it like that!

Anyway hope you like it so far,

The next chapter should be uploaded on Tuesday

Comment,Fav,Vote and all that good stuff!

Loves from Annie :)

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