The crash

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I get into my car after leaving the studio I start driving I hear someone yell I look at there's a car coming right at me i feel my eyes widen

Jordan's POV
I get a call I pick up "hello?"
"Your girlfriend Y/N. L/N has gotten into a car crash,she's not in the best condition,we ask for you to get down to the hospital ASAP."

I feel my eyes well up with tears I run out the door getting into the car and driving I run into the hospital just in time to see Y/N arrive I see blood running down her face I cover my mouth as I follow after her they stop me from going farther I say "please." They shake there head as I just...stand there I hear someone say "Jordan!" I turn around to see drew and vennesa drew looks a bit torn up he says "I-I didn't see her I-" I say " did this?!" I grab him by the shirt and say "SHE COULD BE FUCKING DEAD BECAUSE OF YOU!" Venessa grabs my arm and says "he didn't see her!" I say "that doesn't change anything!" I push her away and then I see cami at the door she runs in and asks "how is she?!" I say "she's almost dead." I hear Cole say "I got a call about Y/N!" Cami looks at me and says "listen Jordan,it's going to be okay." I walk out the doors of the hospital I start to cry as I stand there

A week later

I go to the hospital and walk to her room....she's still laying there I say to her "listen to me Y/N,you need to wake up because I don't know what I'm doing without you when I met you I-I fell in love I-" I hear a gasp then a "j-Jordan?"I look at her and she's...awake I say in panic "h-hey." She says "w-where am I?" She start to sit up and I say "no you need to stay down." She says "am I in the hospital?" I nod she holds my hand and says "have you been here everyday?" I nod

Co-workers (Jordan Connor X reader). DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now