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Your POV
I hear a knock on the door while I'm cleaning the house I open the door it's my best friend Gwen we haven't seen each other in a while she has her blonde hair up in a ponytail and is wearing casual clothes I say "GWEN!!" I hug her Jordan comes up behind me and says "who's this?"I say "my best friend Gwen!" Jordan says "hello Gwen I'm jordan." She says "oh I know Y/N here tells me EVERYTHING." Jordan's face goes red I say "get over yourself dude." I smile at him and say" Gwen come on in!" She walks in her heals clinking on the floor as she says "nice house.." I say "we're not all rich." She says "true.." she looks at the kids toy on the floor she says "do you have..." I rush to say "no! No! My sister died and I took care of her kids before they went to there dads." Gwen says "oh.." laugh nervously as Gwen says "I'm going clubbing tonight if you wanna join?" I say "Jordan do you?" He says "why not" Gwen says "why is he so fucking tall?" I say "I can ask the same." Jordan says "well I can do this..." he picks me up from behind I say "BABE PUT ME DOWN!" I laugh as Gwen says "I'm in a relationship myself.." I say "with who?" She says "food." I laugh and say "nice one!" Jordan is is at the other side of the room in a phone call he hangs up and throws his phone onto the sofa I walk over and ask "are you okay?" He says "I got a call from the set..they want us there NOW!" I sigh and say "Gwen we have to go..." she says "I'll see you later!" She hugs me as we all leave she gets in her car as we walk to set as we get there I see cami she walks over and says "how are you guys?" I say "I'm doing...great." She smiles and says "well get ready for our scenes together?" I nod as we keep walking as I get to the makeup trailer I kiss Jordan as I walk in I see machen (sorry if it's spelled wrong.) I smile at her she asks "how are you?" I say "great what about you?" She says "I'm great!" I see lili and cole walk in there both on there phones I scare them cole says "Y/N!" Lili says "son of a bitch!" Lili hits my shoulder I see Jordan come in bearing his sweetpea costume I say "there my boyfriend in real life and in a tv show!" He leans over the chair looking at me then he kisses me I smile at him as he sits down next to me Lili says "stop it!" I look over and coles pulling her hair I punch Jordan's shoulder as he looks over then pulls my hair I look at him and say "don't!" He grabs me by my waist picking me up and sitting me on his lap I laugh and say "dude!" I laugh then I yell and say "Stop! I'm breaking up with you" he says "what?" I say "I'm joking with you!" He laugh and smiles at me as I get up

Co-workers (Jordan Connor X reader). DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now