Crying Shakily

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You breathed out heavily at the sight of your long lost best friend showing up all of a sudden, knees feeling weaker, you clench your jaw and balled your hands into fists. Looking down on your boots as you try to muster up the courage to utter even a single word. But nothing came out.

You could only stare at him in a state of shock and anxiety as he sets his hand down to his side.

"Undertaker!" Ciel breathed out in alarm with Sebastian crouched down to the boy's level, "You've been hiding yourself well." He stated "Since you kept your eyes hidden, I never noticed either." He continued, narrowing his eyes at the grey-haired man.

"Me too. I fell for it." Grell stated as Ronald made his way down alongside Grell, with you hesitantly joining them with shaky arms as you held your scythe in a vice-like grip.

You flinch as his glowing eyes darted towards you, his coquettish smile then widening, "Oh (Y/n), I never thought we would reunite with each other like this." He cooed out, making Ronald look towards you questionably.

"(L/n)-Sempai, do you know this guy?" He asked.

You swallowed the lump in your throat hard, "I do, actually. We were close..." You bluntly trailed off looking away, not wanting to make eye contact with the grey-haired reaper.

"How close?" The blonde reaper asked further, you began to open your mouth to speak but then he beat you to it.

"Very." He then added in a low voice.

"Sempai, those eyes!" Ronald pointed out those chartreuse phosphorescent eyes that seemed to glow radiantly.

"Yes. There's no mistaking that yellowish-green glimmer." Grell began as their eyes narrowed, you gulped and gripped your scythe even tighter.

"A shinigami." You blandly stated with dark eyes, becoming more confident even though his presence was basically towering over you possessively.

Grell and Ronald whipped their heads towards you as you said those words.

You were taken aback as he lets out that melodic laugh he used to laugh before.

"How nostalgic." He began "It's been half a century since someone last called me that." He continued.

"Undertaker is a...shinigami?" Ciel slowly asks in a state of shock.

"What is the meaning of this, Undertaker?" Stoker began as he ran down the steps, "Didn't you tell me that we could control the corpses as long as we have this device?" He continues as Undertaker tilts his head ever-so-slightly towards the naive man.

"Is that so?" He asks innocently as he brings a finger to his chin as if in question. Stoker chokes out as he asked the reaper in alarm, "Did you fool me?"

"But you see, I thought it was funny, since you were trying to bring the dead back to life in all seriousness." He calmly explained with his arm outstretched in a casual manner.

Stoker looked taken aback as he said this, "Then - So our goal of making the entire world healthy was...!?" He began as his hands balled into fists.

Undertaker then fully faces him with a smile on his face, "But the moment you relied on my skills, that can't be called medicine anymore." Your eyes widened at this, your theory was proven to be true! There was someone like the Undertaker behind the scenes to all this 'world-saving medicine' Stoker has been bantering on about!

Stoker flinched in realization as Undertaker said those words, he continued, "The kind of guy who would use a treatment he doesn't even understand on his patients," You furrowed your eyebrows as you stated loud enough for everyone to hear, "Is no longer a doctor."

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