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So ya'll think you know what happened next don't you. That we ended up in bed

Hot steaming make up sex

Wild asf

The kinda fucking that ends up with the neighbours filling for noise complaint

You think thats what happened?


It did


Or didnt


We walked out of the restaurant so fast it was like our lives depended on it. The electricity surging in our bodies. The attraction evident

But then again. It always was

Our clothes threatening to come off as our bodies ached for one another.

Suddenly out of the hell knows where,  i stopped. Why? I don't know. I mean how could i know. Everything was going according to plan. And maybe that was the problem.

Then again even before things were going according to plan before she rejected my ass

Sh3 looked at me

And I her

Then i raised my hand and whistled twice. A cab strolling down the street came and stopped.

I opened the door. Told her to get in.

She smiled seductively

If she only knew.

I talked to the driver a bit and told him where to take her.

Engine started..she is in..i am not

She looked at me confused. And i guess a little scared

I mean. Wouldn't you be?

The car drove off. And i was left at the curb

What the fuck had i done

Wait. What had i done even?

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