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Jay's PV
Bloooddyyy hell. 
"why is she crying. Isn't she supposed to be happy.
Isn't this what she always wanted.
Oooh noooo. Ohhhh Gaaaddd it can't be"

"I'm sorry Joe I just can't marry you. You are a good guy. You deserve someone better than me. I'm sorry it's not you it's me"

"did she just hit me with a it's not you it's me line.... "."say something stupid. Tell her you love her. Tell her how much she means to you. Don't let her walk "

It's been a week since she left. She's not picking my calls. She's ignoring my texts. She said she loved me.  She said she would spend the rest of her life with me. Why would she leave?....

OK sooo the introduction is quite short I know but I'd love to hear your views on it. I'm but a new kid on the block.  😂💞

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