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" thee fuck are you? Whooo let you in my house?  Why are you in my bed? "

I obviously knew what was happening but I couldn't believe it. I bedded another random woman.

"bbbuuuutt I'm **** .  You're **** . Or baby I can be whatever else you want me to be.. Yesterday was the most amazing se...."

"I'm sorry. Get out"

"why?  Why are you being mean to me? You don't like... "

"please for Christ sake GET OUT OF MY HOUSE"

She left immediately and in addition to being heartbroken I apparently was heartless and a douche. I needed to get my act together for real before shit happened.

"ummmm hey dad... Yes yes...  No it's fine I'm ready to come back to work on Monday...ok thank you I hope she's cooperative"

I hanged up. Apparently my dad hired another manager to work at sales. A Namni someone. Having no work I checked her profile out coz we'd be working together till I found a reason to get her fired

"or pregnant"

Sometimes I just hated my demons

"hhoolllyyy crrraaaapp she ain't that bad I mean maybe a little less make up sure but daaayyuuuum. Ooh wait noo it says she's bi... Hehe I'm going to have fun with this one"

But Monday was two days away and I needed to catch up on what was happening.. No one would bother me though I mean being vice CEO. But I worked as any other employee did.

"hey Sein...yeah I miss you too.... Could you bring me my workload like in ten over at my place... Yes thank you you're a life saver. See you in ten"

"bent over my sink"

OK these dirty thoughts were starting to irritate me. OK no...they weren't.

Punctual as always she came dressed in a low cut skirt suit. Suicide for any man who would linger more than a second on her long legs.
Sein was the perfect secretary any working man would need. And definitely a sight for sore eyes.

As she bent over to explain some numbers on a certain file I was going through I couldn't help notice how busty she was. Was she always like this?

"hey Sein quick question. Did you get a boob job? "

"boss if you don't mind my eyes are up here not at my tits."

She smiled.

I smiled.

We both smiled.

But no. Nothing happened. The sexual tension was there no doubt but I wasn't about to just fuck around again. It was barely 12 hours  since that random woman

"let me get us something from the kitchen" she said

but I barely heard a word. I was concentrating on the file. Something was not adding up.

Did I mention I was a math guy?

"can you please come help meee..."she shouted

Reluctantly I got up heading to the kitchen

"what seems to be the probbll..."

She was bent over. Her skirt pulled up revealing her thighs slightly. I couldn't deny. I liked seeing her like that. I walked towards her and made sure my groin area made contact with her ass. For sure she felt my hard on

"boss can you"

"please call me Joe"

"OK Joe could you please give me a hand here?  This crate is too heavy and I need to get to the cartons behind it"

"why do you..."

"if you do I'll give that mjoulobeng  a nice grind..its already hard enough as it is.  We need to fix that now don't we Joe.. "

I can't tell how I lifted that crate no problem and looked at Sein.

She looked at me.

She turned and bent over

"shhhiiiiiitt "

"boss. Let's get back to work"

Wait. Huh? Was I missing something here? This woman is nuts. She says something while doing another.

She straightened up and faced me.

"I'm sorry about **** and I know how it hurts but I'mnot going to be your sex relief toy... You know I like you. Always have and maybe one... "

"hey Sein. I think Boss is better than Joe right?"

I said as I walked back to the files.

We worked silently speaking only when need be till late night. We didn't notice the time and I had no choice but let her spend the night over. Who let's a woman out alone at night with soo many predators?

"hehe.. "

Dirty mind go to sleep daamn it.

It's kind of funny though. Sein also said no to me.  That's another woman saying no.

Just as I was about to sleep I heard  a knock on my door.

"hey Joe... Boss.  I cant sleep.. "

Suddenly neither could i

And neither could my dick

"it's open Sein. Come in.... "

Hey.. Another chapter done. Tell me your thoughts on it. I don't know if it's long enough for a chapter you know. Anyway the names used here are real people. In reality they have different characters sooo don't let it go to your head. 😂😂✌.

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