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Joe's poV
Mature content. Vivid descriptions. ;-)don't read if you can't withstand the heat

"moorree baby.. Moore. Deeperrr. Yeeessss.. Yeeeeesss.. Ohhhh yeeeesssss Jooeee. Right there. Ooooohhh Good YEEEEES"

It happened again. These dreams haunt my every night. I can't sleep anymore without the reminder of her body on my mind.
My dick throbbed and pulsed at the very thought of her tight wet pussy. How her body arched to accommodate the length that was etching it's way inside her..

She knew where to touch. How to touch and at the same time had this innocent look in her eye that made my heart skip a beat..

"I'm i doing it right?" she said as she licked the tip of my mjoule and held my length in her hand as she slowly put it in her mouth. Sucking and kissing slowlyy while she teased me with her low soft moans.

"baby cum. Why aren't you cumming " she'd say. She wanted it in her mouth...

"Ffffuuuucccccckkkkkkkk she's gone why are you still thinking about her"

But I couldn't help it. I loved her. I still loved ***

I got out of bed and went straight to the kitchen trying to avoid looking at the counter top but I couldn't help myself.

"Joe... Noooo.. I don't think I'm ready for..... JOOE... " I covered her mouth with my hand, muffling her words as I pulled her closer. Just a taste. It's all I wanted. A taste of her in my mouth. I pulled her closer and teased her by kiss. By touch. By words. Kissing her inner thigh slowly making sure she felt every touch every bite I left. When my tongue lapped her clit once she bit my hand and screamed

I couldn't help but laugh.
"you think this is funny Joe? Why are you wasting time" she cried out.

Sooooo.. What's for breakfast? Take out. It was always take out. My life basically stopped since that day. So yes. Take out. I looked at my reflection in the mirror by the sink. Fucking bastard looked back at me. Looser who couldn't keep a girl. The rings around my eyes showed just how much I hadn't slept. I wasn't bad looking. Actually if anyone met me under different circumstances I'd understand their reaction to me. I basically had to keep off girls like a full time job.

I laughed "all that to be left. I should've just fucked Sein and the rest ". Sein was a secretary working at my dad's office who should have been a model at Victoria Secret and who definitely did not hide just how much she wanted me.

"she's definitely fuckable. I have to hit that "

".... Do you like Sein? "
"....Do you want to touch her like this? "
"...Do you want her to do this to you?"

I needed a run. I put on my gear and headed out to the woods. I ran like never before ignoring the darkness and the tiny scrapes I got from underlying bushes. I couldn't tell if I was crying or sweating. And I pushed myself even more.

After a few hours I came back and found a BMW parked out front

"hii Joe.. I hope it's OK I came by to pick up the rest of my stuff"

She's back. Oooh dammit why is she back. She's still so beautiful. I was fighting back tears.

"you're running again that's..."

"**** fuck just take it all and leaaaveee... "

She went in. I followed. I was going to punish her.

I locked the door.

She noticed and turned to face me

I knew this look.

Suddenly the door was knocked I mean cmooon what bad timing. A middle aged man in a black suit invited himself in when I opened and went to stand by *** side.

"hahahahaha.. You're the new guy guy? I'm Joe. The guy she'll be thinking of when you bend her over and fuck her" I said as I walked away towards our.. No wait... My room to get her her things.

I left them standing there speechless.

Score one for Joe.

She followed me in. And locked the door.

"kiss me. Joe dammit kiss me right now "

It started out slow. Her back on the wall. I knew how she's react. I knew how her body reacted to my touch and I knew what I'd have to do.

"here's your stuff. You know your way out right?" I told her while her lips were on mine

I registered the hurt look in her eyes. Why wasn't I happy?

She left immediately and I knew what I'd done to her.

I wasn't happy.

"what now? " I asked myself.

So I'll be updating frequently when time allows. I appreciate all those supporting me and your views and comments are welcomed

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