Chapter 2

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Beaus POV

I finally get home from buying food, I know surprise right?

Haha. I walk in all happy until I see the biggest wreck ever.

"What the fuck happend?"

I asked too myself. Everything is on the ground.

"LUKE, JAI, BETHANY!!!" I yell very angry.

I know Beth gets scared when I'm angry.

I run upstairs and hear yelling.

I put my ear too the door

"Luke give me my mother fucking phone back or I'll fucking slap you" Beth says.

Wow language much.

"No. I'm gonna tell beau your Texting boys" Luke teased

"Luke would you really" she started crying damn she's a great actor.

"Let me thing... Ya of course" Luke says laughing.

I text Beth's phone so it goes off to scare them.

"Give Beth her phone


It goes off I hear it.

"Holy shit he heard us"

"Luke fucking act natural"

I walk in and there standing there posing.

"Beth no leaving the house for a month. Cause your texting boys and swearing. And Luke... You know what let's have a family meeting"

I walk downstairs.


He comes down the stairs "what?" He asks annoyed

"Family meeting. Sit" I point too the couch.

I see luke on his phone and he's showing Bethany something. They both start laughing.

Then my phone goes off

"Suck my ass jye" from Beth.

I look up. "Do I look like jai" hey laugh and resend it too jai

"MY NAME IS JAI. YOU SUCK MY ASS" he pulls down his pants and you see his butt

"jye staph it" Luke says.

Beth is staring and literally drooling.

"BETH!" She snap out of it

"Oh you like my ass? Wanna kiss it?" He asks laughing

"Ew no phht.." She says.

"There's more where that came from" he pulls his shirt up

"Ok enough she's only 12 leave her alone" beau says.

He pulls his shirt down

"Ok let's start, Bethany I want you too stop swearing."

I say.

She rolls her eyes.

"Hey don't roll your eyes on me. I'm basically your dad now I can ground you" she laughs and rolls her eyes again.

"I'm so fuc- I mean freakin scared" she says.

"That's it your grounded. GO! NOW!" I yell storming out of the room. She's only fucking 12 and she swearing ALOT!

I hear the door slam upstairs.

I soon get a text


Ugh I hate when she says that.

"Don't call me that" I texted back.

She didn't answer so I walked into the living room.

"Beau what are we gonna do" jai says.

"Shut the f up I can't hear you idiots!" We heard Bethany yell.

"BETHANY" I yell

I sit on the couch and go on my phone.

((Bethany's POV))

I hate beau RN he so mean.

I text luke "I HATE ALL OF YOU"

I sent it.

"Bethany stop. Go to sleep" Luke texted back.


I soon he foot steps.

That person knocks on my door.

"Bethany?" Luke asks.

I unlock the door and open it.

He soon hugs me really tight

"I missed your hugs" I tell Luke.

He laughs.

"Go to sleep Bethany you'll be better in the morning" he tells me.

"No" I say back.

((Luke's POV))

"No" she says.

"Than what are you gonna do" I ask.

"I'm gonna sit here and die" that broke my heart.

"Bethany stop! Come on let's go downstairs" I grab her hand before she can answer and drag her downstairs. "No, stop, I'm not going down there, he out me through hell, jai too" she says as she's tugging

"Come on" I keep pulling her

We finally get downstairs and now I'm carrying her.

Then a knock at the door comes.

Bethany goes flying out of my arms and pushed jai out of the way "NO JYE IM ANSWERING" she yells calling him jye. I laugh.

She answers the door it's her sister.

Finally she's home. Bethany hugs her.

((Ariana's POV))

I got a text from Beth

"Please come home I really need you right now. Beaus mad :("

I laughed and started walking to their house.

She answers the door and hugs me so tight.

"Ok everyone sit on the couch or else I will cut a bitch" I say.

They laugh and sit down.

"Ok so beau why are you being so mean to your COUSIN" I ask.

"She broke my phone and she won't stop swearing and I caught her staring at jais ass" he says.

I laugh "well I mean you do have a nice butt jye" I laugh.

He punches me lightly for calling him jye.

"And jai what did you do to Bethany?" I ask.


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