The color deepens and the orb grows, her words get louder and Felix can finally hear what she is saying. However, none of it is anything that he can understand. She begins moving her hands, the actions harsh and strong as she chants louder and louder. Felix can feel his body tingle, small and soft at the beginning as it travels up his entire body. Almost like he is buzzing on the lowest level, he stiffens, not liking the new sensation. 

Felix's head felt heavier and heavier as each pulse of throbbing pain pounded his senses over and over again. The voices in his head that normally contradicted each other now screamed in unison and told him to stop what they were doing and find a way out of this misery. One deep breath followed another, surely this feeling could be ignored if he tried. 

That's what Felix wanted to believe at least.

In a matter of seconds, Felix's body is jerked to the floor as he flails in pain, letting out a loud cry. The stabbing sensation in his legs doesn't compare to the burning feeling in his chest. Each part of his body his experience a different type of pain, though all horrendous. He chokes out another cry as he tries to claw at his own throat, but the chains restrict him from stretching that far. 

The torture goes on, and Felix isn't sure how much longer his body can survive it. Azalea only watches as the boy's body is jostled around, how each limb spasms with pain every second. She loves this, it means her plan is working and Felix is officially becoming her vessel. 


After examining the book and the notes, the Headmaster had called the teachers into his office. One, to inform them of the new information and two, to see what information any of them have managed to collect. He lets the teachers in on everything Jaebum and Jackson had told him, which led to many of the teachers going back to the theory of Chan being the one to write the notes.

"Bang Chan couldn't have written these," Jackson defends, "he wouldn't ever try to intentionally harm anyone."

"But he did harm Felix," the Headmaster counters.

"I'm not sure that was entirely his own doing," Jackson explains, "and with this, it only furthers my suspicion that someone was on the inside, playing with the students like puppets."

The theory is valid, and the Headmaster won't deny that, but having to admit to it would drive him to a place he fears going. If what Jackson is saying turns out to be true, then their world is in danger and the offender will come for this school first. They have no idea when the attack will come, which worries the Headmaster, he wants to know so he can protect the students.

"There is a possibility that he could be under a spell," Jackson states, "a long-lasting one that took control over his emotions and ramped them up, so he'd act out."

The thought shocks his nerves and sends shivers down the Headmaster. Everything Jackson is telling him has the possibility of being true. If Chan was spelled, then this perpetrator is already several steps ahead of them. 

"Chaerin, did the locator spell work?" The Headmaster asks a small hint of desperation in his tone.

The headteacher shakes her head, "no sir, it did not. He is cloaked, just how you predicted."

A frustrated sigh breaks past the Headmaster's lips. Their search is getting them nowhere. No matter what comes their way, none of it has brought them closer to who took Felix. He can't question it anymore, Felix isn't strong enough to cloak himself, so it had to be done by someone with higher power abilities.

Running his fingers messily through his hair, the Headmaster turns to Jaebum, "what did you and Jiho find? Anything that could help us with our current situation?"

"Nothing sir." Jaebum shakes his head, "there are no records anywhere of why anyone would have a need for someone with Felix's little ability."

"Has anyone found anything?" The Headmaster asks getting more frustrated by the minute.

He massages his temples as bad news floods to him. No one here has anything good to tell him, no one is even a step closer to the source of Felix's disappearance. He is the most disappointed in himself, he is the Headmaster he is supposed to protect the students and he failed. He has failed the other students, the teachers, and himself. Everything is falling from his grip and he isn't sure how much longer he can keep everything stable.

When he took this job, he made an oath, he promised to protect this school, to protect everything that inhabited and now he has managed to disobey everything he agreed to when taking this position. His head pulses and he feels dizzy, unable to keep himself standing, he falls to his seat. 

A swarm of teachers runs to his sides, asking if he is alright. He feels strange, a feeling that he has never had before runs through him. A tiny voice that normally comes out when he is anxious appears, wreaking havoc in his mind and red and purple flash through. The neatly organized parts of his brain, are now flipping things upside down, banging the shrapnel against his skull.

Something isn't right, he can feel it in his gut. This is the sign, the message that he has been needing and searching for all along. Everything was blocked until the last minute and now he is finally given the gift of knowledge that he needed. Only, it isn't good news that he wanted. Felix isn't okay, he can feel that now. Everything is about to come down and he has very little time to prepare, a nightmare is about to ensue. 

"Sir are you alright?" He hears the voice of one of his teacher's break into his mind. The dizziness slowly subsides, and he is able to open his eyes. Waiting for the haze to wash away, a couple of the teacher's help him sit up straight, asking him once again if he is alright.

"We need to secure the school," he voices, earning a few confused looks from the teachers. 

"Now!" The tone causes, teachers, to rush out of the room, jumping on the orders immediately.


Word Count: 1,802

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