Chapter 4

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Kiss Me Again

His hand brushed against my knee; and it sat there. The touching barrier between us, had just crashed down. Troye's eyes met mine and he leaned in. I took a deep breath, with my eyes wide. He was so close to me that I could feel his breath tickle my nose. Liam...where is Liam..?! I looked at Troye, with a sudden urge to slap him away from me. "You're eyes are gorgeous, Ava." I could feel my voice trembling to reply; he was getting even closer! I forcefully closed my eyes and pulled my head back slighty. "Why are you scared...? I wouldn't hur--damn it!" He quickly pulled back and looked at the doorway to the library. A gorgeous, tall girl stood there with a lustful smile. "There you are, Troye...I have been looking for you all night." She walked over with her long legs and sat on his lap. Troye flinched and smiled, "This is Grace, my friend." She looked at him with a frown, "I am not your friend! I am your girlfriend!" He smiled nervously, "You have been drinking too much...Come on, let me take you upstairs." She smirked, "You will be with me, right?" He shook his head, "Nah, not now Grace. I am sure your boyfriend is looking for you." Grace wrapped her arms around his neck and tried to kiss him, "But you are my boyfriend! I love you." He pushed back and got up, "I will be back in a minute, Ava."

He walked out and I sighed. I ran out of the library and looked around. "Liam! Li- Liam!" I yelled, which I am sure sounded like a whisper with all the loud music blaring. Someone pulled me by my arm into a room. I looked at who it was; some girl. She pushed me down on a couch beside many other people. She smiled and looked at everyone, "I am so glad you all wanted to play! Okay, so the game is simple. I like to call it Spin-to-Heaven. You spin a bottle, you kiss that person in front of us, and head to the closet for some fun!" I got up, and started to leave. "Excuse you, missy! We were in the middle of a game!" The girl yelled as she pushed me back to my seat. She laughed with a strange scent creeping out of her mouth, "You know what? You are going to be our first contestant! Spin the bottle for the chance in a life time!" She laughed even harder as I reached for the bottle. I am so scared...Liam...Liam where are you!? 

I spun the bottle and I watched it turn. It landed on a tall hansome guy. He leaned in, and I kissed his cheek. "That doesn't count!" The girl yelled. The tall guy yelled back, "Don't worry, she is just a tease." He laughed and took me by my hand. I gulped for air; no no no...! He lead me to the closet and he opened the door. I felt another hand lay against me. W-what is going on?! I looked behind me, and saw Liam. I hugged him so tight. "L-Liam!!" I could feel tears build up in my eyes. "I want to go home!" The tall guy released his hand and stepped back. Liam held his arm around me as he and I walked out. I stepped into his car and cried, I hated to cry in front of people. He sighed, "Ava, why didn't you just say I was your boyfriend? The problem would have been solved." He hugged me in his arms, after he sat down. I cried into his shoulder, "I-I was scared! It was happening all so fast and...and! I just- I--" He slowly moved his hand up and down my back, "Don't worry, you are fine...You are safe Ava...I am sorry...I am really sorry." I pulled back and looked at him, he had teary eyes. He looked at me, and just sat there. He didn't say anything-- he didn't need to. We knew what we were going to say; we knew what was about to happen.

I leaned in slowly, aligning his lips to mine. I closed my eyes and kissed him passionately. My first kiss was spent in a way I would never forget; with Liam. We locked our lips for a slight moment, and I released. He moved in closer and he looked at me, with a kind smile. I looked down; I know it is alot to ask, but Liam, can you...can you kiss me again?

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