Chapter 1

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A Rude Awakening

Okay, I am just going to walk in, and I am going to show people that I have confidence...This is a new start, a fresh beginning! You got this Ava, you got this. That little pep talk helped alot, but not enough for this new envoirment. I just got out of a public school in 8th grade, and being in a private school in 9th was not helping. I didn't know anyone and I didn't belong there. I didn't belong anywhere, but that school was definitely not where I belonged. I am used to a fight or two and crowded halls; not ugly uniforms, prissy girls, and hot guys. I can deal with the hot guys, not so much those stuck up brats. It seemed like every girl had the same pretty shoes (that did not follow the dress code), when I had these old shoes that are one size to small. Let me get one thing straight before we continue, we are not low on money, so don't start making some sob story about a girl who couldn't get a good pair of shoes. Anyways, I walked in the hallway and there are a bunch of people at their lockers. I got locker 59...59...59...oh that's it! No wait, that's 56...oh! 59! I pushed through the little crowd of people surrounding my locker. I opened it up and see nothing but empty was a nice sight after that crowded area. I put in my books and grab the books I need for my first class. I closed my locker and walked to my classroom with my head held high. That's right, strut it! Confidence, I got confidence. I sat down in my seat and looked around. Only a few people were in the room, so it gave me the perfect chance to pull out my phone and update my blog. In the matter of minutes I was yelled at.

"Miss! You are not allowed to have cellphones in the classroom. Please put it away before I need to take it."

I nodded and stuffed it far down into my skirt's pocket. Wait, I have a pocket? How convenient! I pulled out a book from my pile and started to read it. It was a new manga I got from a convention. I never finished the series, so I thought it would be a good chance to finish. A quarter through the manga, I hear a male voice say, "Whats that?" Without looking up, I reply, "A book."

"Are you sure? I think you are reading it the wrong way."

"I am reading it the right way."

I looked up to see who I was talking to, and I smiled. So you are going to be the love interest in this book. I looked back down and continued reading. The guy disturbed me again.

"I'm Liam."

I didn't look up while replying, "Ava."

I saw his head creep over to my shoulder. I swear if he disturbs me again I'll--

"So you are reading a comic book."

I closed the book and looked at him with a cold stare (he deserved it...everyone knows not to talk or bother someone while reading!) and said, "It is a manga. Which is a Japanese story, told in pictures and chat bubbles. Similar to anime, but not quite the same." He opened his mouth, and before he could say anything I answered his upcoming question, "And anime is an animation. It is similar to a cartoon, but more intense and has a story line rather than a one episode type of story. Some of which can last for years." He smiled, "Thank you for the lesson Miss Ava! When is our next class?" I sighed, can't he tell I don't want to talk?! "If you mean my next class, I have math." He smiled.

Oh no.

He held up a paper.

He doesn't have it--

"I have math too!" 

He has it.

"I guess we are going to be math friends then! Aren't you lucky!" He laughed and I sighed. I could literally feel myself crying inside. If this is what all private schools are like, I think I may have endured a rude awakening.

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