Zelman Clock x reader - You work for him from now on

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Hello everyone ^^
I thought there are not enough stories about him. Seriously he earns more attention!
I fear he is a bot out of character...sorry for that. ^^'' I hope you still like it.
If you enjoy my story I would be more than happy about a vote or a comment.

Also I am writing to learn and english is not my frist language so neutral critic and advices would be a great help to me :3

If you by chance do not know him. Zelman Clock is a character from Black Blood Brothers, please support the anime and the manga.

The picture is from zerochan als credits to its creator https://www.zerochan.net/409581

if it is yours and you do not want it to be here please contact me, I take it off.

I do not own the Black blood brothers or the characters. I am just a fan with no intention of making money out of this. Everything belongs to Kōhei Azano.

„You work for him from now on..." so began start of the end of your life. You got a new job. ....Well it was complicated, actually you never wanted the job and you were not even sure if you could call it a job or if you should see yourself more as an gift without an free will. You life in the special zone, yes that place were vampires and humans life legally together. Well at least the most of them. There was also a clan or maybe more a gang you really were not so sure about this, who did everything criminal heard to be possible the coven. To your doom your father and mother got into problems with them. Even more of a problem was that your parents were arrested closely after this from the company and the coven decided that you would by them debt for them. You were just a young human woman nearly still a girl, how were you supposed to pay them in anyway. You feared the worst but then something unexpected happened. The coven got into problems with one of the leaders of the special zone. Zelman Clock. They thought it would be a good idea to calm his anger to give you to him as a present. A Maid or whatever he wanted you to be for whatever he wanted to do. You were always quite interested in Black Bloods. You had heard a few things about Zelman and what you had heard scared you. Now you were standing in front of a double door, dressed in a simple black dress, which was shorter than you would like it to be. You were a trembling mess and your wrist hurt because one of the coven members had been dragging you by it and was still holding it with way too much force. That would surely turn purple. At least they did not hurt you. You were supposed to be a perfectly intact present, so they did not even drink your blood. The doors opened, and you shut your eyes in fear. You were dragged forward again and stumbled over your chains, falling to the ground. No one helped you up and no one seemed to care. Neither did you, you were sure you would be dead soon and you hoped to be so, because the other options seemed even worse to you. Before this you would prefer to be a meal. You heard the coven members apologize for their failure: "Pleas except this gift as our apologize" "Fools, thinking you could erase the damage you have done like this. Get lost. "His voice was ice cold and you trembled even more. You felt that someone pulled at your chains:" That one is mine from now on." They let go of the chains and made a run for it. "Idiots..." you heard the cold now annoyed voice utter. Was this Zelman? "Sayuka, who is she?" "I am sorry Sir, but I do not know. There are no girls reported to be missing this night in the special zone. I already asked our informants at the police as I got the word of the covens doing, Zelman-sama." "So, no one is missing the little Missy? Well I guess we keep her." You did not dare to look up or speak at any point of their conversation. "Hey Missy, stand up, you are laying in the way." he sounded disinterested. You hurried to stand up but hissed silently as you needed to put your weight at your hurt wrist. Still you did not complain but stood up. You did not dare to look up so, you kept your head down. Suddenly your head was pushed back and two red eyes were staring directly in yours: " It is not kind to avoids someone's gaze like this, Missy. I really should teach you some manners, what do you think?" He came closer to your neck and you squirmed in his hold, but he had a too tight grip on your head and waist by now, to let you move away. "Quite a fighter you are, heh? Stop struggling, you will just hurt yourself. Also, this will feel good, even better than sex, but how are you supposed to know, you're still a virgin after all. Even more of a reason to taste you blood. "A single tear flow down your cheek and you waited for the pain, but nothing happened. "No not like this, this is no fun at all..." he sounded annoyed and you were sure he would drop you to the ground, because your legs were trembling too much to hold you. "Relax, it is not like I am killing you. That would just mean a mess to clean up for someone. So your legs gave up on you, poor scared red blood. Were this excuse from vampires of the coven that bad to you? "You did not dare to answer and were quite sure it was rhetorical from the beginning "Hey, are you deaf? I am talking to you!" for a 800 years old vampire, he surely did not speak noble. "I..I am sorry Sir." He looked not pleased: " I do not care if you are sorry, answer my question already." He was obviously annoyed. You did not know what to answer. Yes they did not put you into physical pain, but they stripped you out of your clothes, after you declined changing in the black dress right in front of them. They threatened you and hurt you with words, some tried to touch you in inappropriate ways but stopped to your luck before things got too far, because you were supposed to be Zelmans present and were not supposed to smell too much of other vampires. Still you felt dirty. They caught you and took your freedom from you and made fun of the situation of your parents....and when he said it it sounded like some children had stolen her sweets....also you were scared that he would like what they did and do the same or worse, or that the coven would get angry at you.."N-no, Sir..They..they did..." why was it so hard to say they did noting, when he was starring in your eyes. You felt like he was watching your soul. Seeing through your lie as if it was not even there " They did nothing, Zelman-sama..." Suddenly you were pinned against a wall your feet above the ground, hold up just by your arms, but to your surprise he somehow managed to hold you in a way you wrist did not hurt, was that by choice or just coincident? He looked pretty pissed and you trembled under his gaze:" Do not dare to ever lie to me again." His voice was cold and you were terrified. You felt like a lamp in the eyes of a predictor. "By the way you are a horrible liar, Missy" he sounded now rather amused and you were utterly confused. "So what am I going to do with you...?" "what is your name? How did you come in this situation?" Suddenly he took you on his arms for a few seconds and sat down with you on the coach. Putting you next to him, but turned in a way to you, that you were sitting directly in front him. "You can go for now Sayuka, I call you when you are needed" "Yes Sir." Then I was alone with the vampire. I tried to avoid his gaze but looked up confused, as a warm jacket was put around my shoulders. His jacket. Now he was just wearing a white shirt, which was button up a bit "You are cold" he stated simply, and you could not help the surprised look on your face. He started laughing" Do not look so surprised. I already told you I am not going to kill you." He shook his head laughing but then smirked "It seems really to no one has taught you any manners heh?" You realized your mistake and blushed "I am s-...I mean ...Than-you Sir." He patted your head and you blushed even more. Now he was chuckling again "Well I will make sure to teach you Missy. For now young Miss, would you finally consider to give me your name?" "(y-y/n)" you murmured looking away a bit shy. How was someone supposed to be able to be under this arresting eyes all the time. "Now, now do not look away" He turned your face to him again and gently stroke your cheek by that chance, making you blush even more. Suddenly he grabbed your chains and in the blink of an eye, they were broken, and you looked completely dump-forded. "The rustling was annoying" he simply stated then gently took hold of your hurt wrist. "Bunch of idiots, not even able to deliver a present without damage." he murmured under his breath and you were not even sure, if you had understood it correctly. He gently inspected your wrist. "You are lucky Missy, it does not seem to be broken, still you should not put weight on it for the next days, got that?" "Ye-yes, Si-" shit did your voice just break there. You were getting calmer in his present which was no good at all, because it made it so much harder to hold the tears back and you could not trust him, he could do so many things to you and his personality seemed to be really complicated. "you smell of them, way too much...you will take a bath later" "y-yes, Zelman-sama". "This low-life's will never again lay an hand on you, I will not allow it. You belong with me, from today on." "y-yes...S-sir" why did he say with me and not to me ...was this just an accident? "Geez, did this idiots hurt your head or are you really that slow? Okay I will put it simpler for you. You are not an objective in this house or to me. Still I do not like the idea of just letting you walk away. You will work for me and stay with me. You caught my interest Missy. Also your blood smells delicious~" You shivered and tried to hide in his jacket, which made him laugh. "This will be fun!" he laughed. Suddenly you had a coke in your hands: "Drink, you are awfully pale my dear. Did they even give you food?" You shook your head shyly. He looked a bit surprised but then annoyed again: " I thought at least that they would have done, they are really a bunch of idiots. Are you hungry?" You were not sure if it was okay for you to nod but your stomach beat you to it with a slight growl which made Zelman laugh again. You on the other hand were struggling to open the coke, how embarrassing... you huffed completely and utterly annoyed at yourself which made Zelman smile kindly at you. Somehow he found you endearing and had the strange desire to protect you from harm. "Say do you like burger?" He asked you and helped you open your coke, which you made sure to drink really fast because you had been thirsty for hours. "Now, now...slowly Missy, you can have more. Come we are going out getting you some food." You stood up, but nearly lost your balance "Careful, like I said take things slowly" he had an arm around your waist now, supporting you. "I...I am sorry, Sir.." He sighed "Is there anything you are not sorry for?" he laughed but the look he was given you was serious. "I ...I do not. ..at least not know..." you really did not know. The last month it seemed you did everything wrong. You were even asking yourself if your parents were thinking you were a mistake. They were yelling all the time and you never seemed to be good enough for them, no matter how hard you tried. You tried to tell yourself it was just because of the trouble they were having, but with every day it got harder to do so and after they did not even spare you a glance as they were arrested or told the police that you were their daughter, that someone should make sure no one would hurt you, because of them. At that day you were not able to say a sound, you just watched from a bit afar...the police did not realize you belonged to them, they seemed to not even know of you, witch was kind of strange honestly. So now as Zelman asked you, you had no idea...you lost your friends as your parents took you with them in the special zone a year ago. You were too shy to find new friends and the old ones felt betrayed by your leaving, even if it had not been your fault. You did not even realize you started crying until a warm hand touched your cheek and made you look up: "Listen now, and listen good. It does not matter what has happened what you think about yourself or what others said about you, never be sorry to be alive, never be sorry to be yourself, that is nothing to be sorry for. It is something to be proud of." You nodded weakly and he shook his head:" You won't stop crying for some time now, heh?" He patted your head:" It is okay...calm down." after some time you really calmed down and were straight down embarrassed, but he just smirked at you and took you bye your arm and lead you out of the room. "Zelman-sama?" you heard his assistant ask. "We are going out, Sayuka, oh be so kind and let a room for her be prepared and also some clothing." "B-but Zelma-sama Member of the coven came here to talk to you." "Sayuka, do you dare to tell me what to do?" he sounded cold. " No, of course not Sir" she apologized right away you on the other hand had problems to breath and began to feel dizzy. They were here again...did they come back for you..."(y/n)..(y/n)! calm down. You need to take slow breath...you need to calm down...look at me, I said look at me just me." Suddenly he made you look at him and something flashed in his eyes and everything just went black, the last thing you felt was something soft catching you.

You woke up again in a car. "wha-what happened?" you asked confused. This car was going fast. "You freaked out because of the coven members who came to the mansion. I took your consciousness from you, because you would not calm down one bit and carried you in the car. We are going to get burgers right now. You like burgers don't you" You nodded shyly. "I..." you were not sure if to say thank-you or sorry. "it is quite alright. Sayuka should have thought about mentioning them in front of you." The car came to a hold and he got out. You did the same and insecurely went to his side. He just huffed: "Stop being so afraid. How do you plan to work for me if you are scared that every step you take is a mistake?" To your surprise he took you by your hand and you two went into a burger restaurant. He ordered for both of you and made sure you eat slowly. He asked you more about you and you answered shyly. "Why were you even still living with your parents. You are an adult, still a young one but you would be allowed to live on you own." "I ..never was brave enough to tell them I would leave. Scared they would get angry...even if this was extremly dump..." "You are really troublesome, Missy. You will have to learn a lot." He stood up and you followed him. You got back to the mansion again and he brought you into a room. "In the bath are more comfy clothes go and change, please" "yes, Zelman-sama" you came back, and he sat on the bed." Come here and sit down" you did as you were told and were shocked as he pulled you into his arms. You felt his lips at your neck "relax...just relax...everything is okay" he spoke softly to you and you felt intoxicated by his proximity and smell. "zelma-" you murmured confused and slightly scared: "Do not be scared, you will like the feeling I promise. I will make sure you will forget the events of the last month for the night. I will make you feel safe. Let me make sure every vampire knows you belong to me and what will happen to them if they dare to harm you in anyway" He gently kissed your neck and you shivered slightly. You could not bring yourself to fight him, strangely you really felt safe. "Please, allow me to bite you" whispered softly and you were surprised he let the decision at your hands. You were still scared but he seemed to really mean good for you, so you moved a bit to give him a better access. You felt him smile on your neck. "Such a good girl." You felt him kiss your neck again, gently holding you, to make sure you would not move too much and then his fangs pierced through your skin. The first second it hurt but then you felt pleasure and warmth. You felt like he was all around you. You felt really good and safe in his hands. You were at a loss for words and just registered at the back of your mind that you began to feel dizzy. Suddenly you felt Zelman let go of your neck, licking the wound gently and helping you lay down on the bed, putting the covers over you and kissing your forehead: "Sleep now." You still felt his presents in your mind, seeing yourself through his eyes and were surprised by the warmth of that gaze. You were dizzy and had problems to hold your eyes open. "Thank-you for the delicious meal. I bet you are a bit dizzy now, that is okay that always happens. Sleep for now. You are safe."

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