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Castiel's POV -

We pour into the massive food hall, large, circular tables set with silver and holding jugs of water. I walk in between Charlie and Dean, quiet, letting Dean's voice down out my own thoughts as he lists the things he hopes will be served tonight. It's 6:30pm and I don't feel at all hungry.

It had been later than we'd realised so I'd barely opened my mouth to speak before a bell had shrilled, summoning us for dinner. I hope my relief at being interrupted wasn't too obvious, but having to go into that business just yet with people I'd only just met was not something I'd been ready for.

We sit around a table, and it takes me a moment to realise Dean's looking at me, saying something in a concerned tone. So much for drowning out my thoughts.

"You okay, Cas? You look a little..."

"I'm fine." I cut him off and he just stares back at me, not convinced. "It's just, I normally eat at half nine, earliest, after my parents have gone out. Lucifer usually prepares something for us, something meagre, hardly satisfying. Since... Since- Lately our parents have been utterly withdrawn, forgetting about us most days. I'm just not hungry is all..." My clothes hang loose on my even now, I'm too thin and I know it.

Dean's nodding and Charlie looks completely emotional, which makes a lump start to form in my throat. I need an out, now.

"Hey guys! Where have you been?!" Three people drop into seats across from me, a blond speaking with a toothy grin. She's a little flushed and she pours out a glass of water, looking round at us, her gaze falling on me she pauses. "Is this the new kid?"

It's my turn to go red and Dean chuckles at me.

"Yeah, he's Cas, and he's a sweet guy so be nice." He waves a finger in their direction and laughs. His mouth curls up, and he has a dimple on his cheek that deepens when his smile gets bigger. I can't help but stare, from under my eyelashes so it's not as obvious.

Dean's POV -

"Did you just call another guy 'sweet'?" It's Ash speaking, looking at me as though I've gone loopy, his mullet bobbing about his shoulders which shake with suppressed laughter. I didn't realise I'd said that...

"Shut it, Ash." I turn to Cas. "These are who I have to put up with here." He looks up at me, and I point round the table. "Benny, Ash and Jo." I can see him take in the names, trying to commit them to memory, his eyes wide and still so blue, even in this light.

Food is placed in vats along the wall and everyone moves at once, starving. From the line I look over at him, sitting at the table by himself, fiddling with the tablecloth absently, and I can't stop myself thinking he looks sweet.

There's that word again, 'sweet'... I don't think I've ever used it to describe anything before in my life. Until today. I've used it twice today...

I can't think why I'd- Ooh! Burgers! That's a good first meal.

I should bring something back for Cas for later in case he's hungry...

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