A Boy and a Girl

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Phoebe Black had grown up in the Burrow, raised by Molly and Arthur Weasley after the death of her mother, Daisy, and incrimination of her (supposed) father, Sirius Black. Her aunt and uncle had died soon after, and distant aunt Petunia was to take in Harry. So, as Dumbledore saw fit, the Weasleys were given a special child, one that resembled Molly's own children, however her eyes told another tale. Her eyes were a lovely chestnut brown, not too deep, but not very light.

The morning of her 11th birthday, Phoebe and the Weasleys were at Diagon Alley, shopping for Hogwarts. Phoebe had been given a sum of money saved for her from her mother, as well as access to the Black family vaults for school supplies only. That is, until she would graduate Hogwarts. She wandered with Fred and George, having had an argument with Ron on the way. Eventually, the girl got lost in the sea of books and people, too fascinated to notice. She didn't even notice when she ran into someone.

"Careful, there." She was steadied by a woman with blonde hair, a blonde boy next to her. "Are you alright?" To Phoebe, the woman with blonde hair and sad eyes looked like an angel.

"Y-yes, ma'am." The small ginger nodded. "My apologies."

"It's no problem, dear. However, some people are not as forgiving." She noted. Phoebe's eyes widened. Yes, of course. She could not be so careless.

"Draco, why don't you talk to the little miss while I look for her guardian?" The angel told her son before disappearing into the crowd. The two stood there awkwardly, Phoebe staring at her feet.

"Don't do that." The boy called Draco instructed. Phoebe looked up in confusion. "Don't stare down and act so shy. Father says it isn't proper. You need to act confident so people don't walk all over you. I'm Draco Malfoy." He introduced himself at the end of his mini speech, sticking out his hand.

"Phoebe Black. Call me Faye." She shook his hand, meeting his proud gaze.

"You're the daughter of Sirius Black?" Draco asked. She shook her head.

"Daisy Evans was my mother. Sirius was only my godfather, but she gave me his name to honor his younger brother Regulus. I don't know my father, the letter my mother left for me just explained that much. My father doesn't know I exist apparently, and it is wise for me to not seek him out." Faye explained. "I was just given the letter today. Everyone is going to assume Sirius Black is my real father, but whether I choose to tell them is my choice."

"So he could be a muggle?" Draco asked with disgust.

"No. My mother only went out with magical kind after how she was treated by her stupid muggle sister Petunia. She's the woman raising my cousin, but she doesn't deserve such an honor as to see either one of us."

"We should be friends." The statement came suddenly, but Faye nodded in agreement.

"Phoebe!" Molly Weasley exclaimed as she saw her daughter with the Malfoy boy. She was followed by the angel woman. "Thank Mrs. Malfoy and her son for helping you, we have to get going, sweetie."

"Thank you!" Faye waved and smiled. Her smile lingered toward Draco, who gave her a small smirk. "It was nice to meet you both."

"Find me on the train, will you?" Draco asked. It was more a statement, but Faye told him she would before she was whisked away by Molly to a pet shop.

"Interested in boys already, Phoebe?" Molly teased the young girl, who blushed profusely. Before she could deny it, Fred and George appeared behind them.

"No no no, our little Faye baby is not to date a Malfoy!" They exclaimed, making the girl blush more.

"I'm only 11! And when did you two become my fathers!" The girl stormed away from the group, into the pet store. Immediately, her eyes locked upon a small kitten that was sitting, facing the cage doors. It had green eyes, and black fur. She approached, smiling and reaching her fingers through the bars. "I want you, and I will name you Salem." She whispered.

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