Pathetic Professor

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To say Faye was surprised when she walked into the kitchen for breakfast, only to see her cousin, was an understatement.

"Harry!" The red haired Slytherin exclaimed. She rushed to him and engulfed him in a hug, nearly knocking him down. Harry laughed, hugging the firey girl. "What did those Dursleys do to you? I'll hex 'em with those birds!"

"I'm alright, Faye." Harry reassured the girl, who was looking him over for injury. Once she was satisfied that he had no physical injury, she joined the Weasley children at the breakfast table.

The large group made their way through Diagon Alley once again, Faye being bothered by the twins constantly. Eventually, they spotted Hermione in the book shop, and the only Slytherin of the group separated herself from the mini Marauders and rushed to her muggleborn friend. Hermione giggled at the redhead's excitement to see her.

The girls didn't notice Draco Malfoy watching from the top floor of the book shop. They also didn't notice Harry bumping into Lucius Malfoy, or Harry also being pulled in by Gilderoy Lockhart. However, once Faye was approached by the man, she scoffed at his arrogance.

"You see, she's speechless in front of me-" Gilderoy started. "The daughter of the infamous criminal, Sirius Black is stunned by my sheer-"

"Pathetic." She stated, not bothering to keep her disdain from her face and voice. Lockhart faltered a moment.

"Pardon?" He asked in a slightly quivering voice.

"Distasteful. Inconsiderate. Vapid. Vain." Faye continued. "I just want to pick up my school textbooks, not be harassed by a grown man. I'm twelve, you know. You shouldn't grab twelve year old girls. It's gross." She glared at him before making her back to the twins, who were holding in laughter.

Hermione seemed appalled by the girl's behavior, while Ron and Harry both found it amusing. Faye shrugged the attention off as they continued their shopping.


Faye and Hermione sat alone in a compartment on the train, both worried for Ron and Harry not having joined them yet. The girls busied themselves with reading their respective books and chatting about classes.

Faye had a bad feeling in her chest.


Faye found herself taking refuge in the empty potions classroom, needing to be away from the drama surrounding her friends. She had the book open, reading the potion before attempting to make it. She didn't notice her potions professor watching from the doorway.

"Add less powdered porcupine quills. The amount specified can lead to too much being added, which can cause a long or irreversible sleep. I doubt you would like that outcome."

Faye jumped, nearly tipping the bottle over, as she heard his voice. She looked up to professor Snape and nodded once, only adding a little to the potion. She stirred the ingredients as she was supposed to, nerves jumping. Not only had she been caught brewing a potion unsupervised, she was caught by the professor who must have known she got into his ingredients supply.

"Why are you brewing Draught of Peace, an advanced potion not taught until fifth year, Miss Black?" Snape questioned, emotionless in both his face and voice.

"We have several muggleborn Slytherin who are anxious about if our housemates will hex them, and some have been teased relentlessly by other houses for being Slytherin. I cannot stand the mistreatment of my housemates, Professor. The ones I've found crying in corridors is anger inducing. I figured a little bit would ease their nerves, as well as my anger so I do not do anything to cost us house points, or cost me my education." Faye rambled on, getting more heated as she spoke. She took a deep breath after finishing, trying to calm herself.

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