"What are you doing?" I asked.

   He ignored me, however. I watched as he went into the bathroom, came out, and damn near flip my mattress over. "Jace!" I called him.

Jace looked at me and flexed his jaw muscles. "Where are they?"

   "Where are what??"

He rolled his eyes and set his sights on my purse. That's when I realized what he was looking for. I panicked and tried to beat him to it, but he'd already grabbed it.

   Jace mugged me slightly as he held the purse away from me. "Yo really Nia?!"

"It's not what you think. Just give me my purse, Jace." I pleaded.

   Jace ignored me and emptied my purse onto the floor. The bottle of pills immediately fell out and Jace picked them up.

"Did you take some??" He yelled in my face causing me to flinch.


He started to say something, but closed his mouth. His chest was heaving up and down as he bit down on his teeth. Jace has never been this mad at me before.

   I really didn't know what to say or if I should even say anything. It would seem like a bad idea.

"You promised me." He said after a few seconds of silence.

    "I'm trying."

"Why you ain't tell me before?" He looked at me.

    I shrugged. "I didn't tell anyone."

"Adrian know."

    I scratched my forehead. "Well, he's my friend, Jace. And he kind of put two and two together."

"I don't give a fuck, Nia." He stepped to me, and I stepped away. "He wasn't the only one who found you damn near dead!"

   I shook my head and walked around him. "I don't need this right now." 

"What else I need to kno'?" He was right behind me.

    I went into the bathroom to do my personal hygiene. Jace was right behind me. I didn't answer him.

"Nia I swear you wanna answer me. I swear you do."

   "And if I don't?" I challenged him. "I didn't tell you because you didn't ask, Jace. Isn't that what you tell me? You didn't ask."

He shook his head. "I'm disappointed."

   I chuckled bitterly. "And you think I'm not already disappointed at myself? You think I wanted to admit that I was an addict?!" I yelled. "An addict, Jace! I was a walking zombie for a year and a half!"

"So why you started back takin' this shit?!" He held up the bottle to my face. "You bein' weak!"

    "I told you that I haven't taken any." I glared at him. "And actually this is the strongest I've ever been. Please leave."

"Ion believe you. Why do you even have this shit? Huh? If you ain't takin' em, why you got em?"

    I shook my head. "You wouldn't understand so just drop it."

"If you take one or if I find out you already did, I'm done." He said, throwing the bottle on the floor as he walked out of the bathroom.

    "Thank you for your support!" I yelled.

The front door opened and slammed shut, signaling that he'd left. I put both my hands on the sink and allowed myself to let out the emotions that I was feeling.

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