A unfamiliar voice interrupted,"Make that two."

Ten looked at the voice's owner. At first he thought it no one important, only seconds later for him to recognize him as the target.

"Goddamnit, he's pretty."

The target; Johnny smiled at Ten before taking a seat next to him. Ten's eyes remained fixated on Johnny. Not as if he was trying to read him, it was just he was just that breathtaking of a visual. The only reason his attention was broken was due to the fact that the bartender slid the drinks over.

Johnny turned towards Ten,"What's someone as beautiful as you doing here?"

There is was; that sentence that Ten was oh-so familiar with. Yet, why did it feel different when Johnny said it rather then all those other men he'd assassinated? Why did the word "beautiful" feel so different from all the times he'd been called "pretty"?

Ten tapped the side of the glass with his fingertips,"I'm just trying something new, I guess," he sipped the drink, trying to hide the lingering nervousness. Ten pulled a box out of his pocket, holding it in view of Johhny's sight,"Cigarette?"

Johnny looked at Ten out of the corner of his eye,"Do you want to go somewhere else? You look uncomfortable."

Ten rubbed his thighs together, looking at Johnny with his hair attractively draped over his eyes,"That's not the problem."


Ten stepped inside Johnny's room, the taller male locking the door behind them. Ten strechted his neck and turned towards Johnny. Ten leaned back on the bedpost, his hands clutched either side of the wood. Johnny leaned over the shorter boy's body, setting his hands on top of his. Ten swallowed roughly as Johnny leaned closer,"He doesn't smell like cigarettes."

Johnny tightened his grip around Ten's right wrist. He brushed past Ten's hair, whispering in his ear,"Who sent you here?"

Ten's eyelids opened in an almost shock. He pulled his hand from under Johnny's, swinging it back, loosening a scalene shaped blade. He forced his arm forward, aiming towards Johnny's lower, left abdomen, only to be halted by the taller man's grip. He twirled his letter opener blade between his fingers on the opposite hand, aiming for Johnny's collarbone only to be stopped the same way. Ten tightened his legs around Johnny's waist, pulling him back onto the bed. Johnny responded to the action by tugging at Ten's wrist, leaving both of them immobile. For some reason, Johnny smiled?

And for the first time, Ten couldn't bring himself to kill.


Ten walked out of the hotel and partly down the sidewalk. He gripped the car door, opening it and roughly sitting himself. Donghyuck gazed at Ten, who was surprisingly clean,"What happened?"

Ten leaned on his wrist, avoiding eye contact with Donghyuck,"He wasn't there."

Donghyuck furrowed his eyebrows,"That's impossible-"

"He wasn't, okay?"

Donghyuck just silently nodded, knowing in that moment Ten was most likely infuriated.


Johnny seated himself on the red couch which was facing the bed. He crossed his arms over his chest and peered at Ten who was sitting on his knees on the bed.

"I'd appreciate if you could answer my question now. I don't know about you but not many people enjoy being assassinated."

Ten remained silent.

Johnny let out a sigh,"If you're wondering how I knew what you were trying to do; lets just say I'm more attentive to certain things than others."

Ten bit his lip,"I don't know who sent me or wanted you killed."

Johnny exhaled, picking himself up from his seat and approaching Ten. He leaned over the footboard, gazing at Ten in pure amusement,"You're very pretty."

Ten felt bashful? Smitten? He didn't know what to describe this feeling as. All he knew at this moment is that this "feeling" turned his cheeks warm and caused his heart to throb.

Johnny grabbed Ten's chin with the tip of his fingers, forcing the boy's head to turn. And for a few seconds, their lips touched.

Johnny pulled back from the shorter boy,"I'll assume you'll be back soon to kill me. I can't wait to see you again."


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