Awkward moments 21 halloween!

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106. That awkward moment when your teacher's birthday is on halloween. I'm sorry, please don't kill me mrs.icantputyournamehereorillbesued!

107. That awkward moment when your friend's birthday is on halloween and she expects you to give her extra candy. Sorry hun but that candy is reserved, for me >:D.

107. That awkward moment when your friend doesn't give you candy. You know what you did! That's right I'm looking right at you!

108. That awkward moment when you don't celebrate halloween.

109. That awkward moment when you forget how to spell halloween and you're to lazy to check.


And hello everyone!

Since halloween is just right around the corner I decided to make this halloweenyish so yeah.

And everyone if you're going trick or treating you can comment what you're getting dressed up as because I am going as the grim reaper. Found a cool cloak for it and I couldn't get it. -.- <- (it's a whale.)

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