Another awkward story

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Ok so, I had Friday off. So imma say something. On Wednesday I WAS ON POINT. I would come up with the most amazing comebacks right after I said something. So my friend M was sitting next to the teacher and the teacher was calling out answers. So she says "14 is B" and M goes " what did she say?" So I said: "B, as in BUY YOURSELF A HEARING AIDE. and her face is like ➡️😵😆😮 and you had to see her face. And then after 3rd hour we had lunch, so I'm with a couple of my friends. We will call them A D and T.
So A and D start throwing food around, so I sit with them and T just has her eyes wide open and her mouth looks like a zero, so I'm like: "what's going on?" And T said: "THEY STUFFED THREE SKITTLES DOWN MY SHIRT, IN MY BRA!" So I, being a smart allek, said: "SO THE SKITTLES WERE BOOBY-TRAPPED?! POOR SKITTLES!" So then A and D start laughing and A was like :" okay I'll admit that was pretty good" and D can't talk because she's laughing her bum off. So today we just went back to the hearing aide thing with M, and I couldn't hear the bell whistle to go for first hour so M said "who needs a hearing aide now?" So I said " I've had hearing problems so what's your excuse?" So she said whatever. I replied saying " and if I did I'd get the number for one from you." So yea...

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