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- warnings, this chapter DEFINITELY contains some disturbing and/or triggering contents. please read with caution 


fiz x tobyonthetele 


the sound of a gunshot rang through the air, dust from the ceiling falling to the floor. toby heard it from the hallway he was standing in, all the way on the second floor. all the students jumped at the noise but they calmed down when they all figured someone had just dropped something. until it happened two more times.

"everybody lock your doors and turn off the lights, there is a shooter in the library, get into any classroom you can if you are just wandering the hallways. this is not a drill, repeat this is not a dr-" the principal couldn't finish her sentence. the sound of a gun going off cut her off. toby winced when he heard the sound of blood gargling. 

 once the panic set aside toby realized he was standing in the hallway, way to close to the library then he felt comfortable with. the doors to the classrooms had already been closed, so there was no way he was getting into one. then he was sprinting, down the hallway. maybe to the parking lot so he could get his car and drive away form this horrid situation. 

"toby!!" a voice yelled from behind him. the boy came to a halt, turning around and searching for the person who called his name. he locked eyes with baby blues. cameron was running towards him. toby sighed in relief to see one of his friends. 

then things seemed to happen so slowly. toby waited for cameron to catch up, but saw a shining black metal behind the taller boy. toby tried screaming cameron's name. to warn him to move or duck. but the bullet had already lodged itself into cam's brain. the boy died instantly, falling forward. the body landed at toby's feet. toby watched in horror as the shooter began screaming and banging on doors. he wanted to take cam with him, maybe he just passed out from shock. maybe the bullet is somewhere were it isn't fatal. but those thoughts were pushed away once he saw the blood coming from cameron's head. 

toby stood in shock for awhile. before he was able to sprint outside of the school safely. once he was outside there was police, firefighters, and ambulances everywhere. a couple police officers rushed forwards towards him, asking him questions. there was people surrounding him. everything seemed fuzzy. he could feel the panic attack coming quickly. his eyes met darkness and suddenly he was in the ground. toby started shaking, his body laying on the ground and flinging everywhere. he felt very dizzy and the people who surrounded him were blurry as they towered over him. toby couldn't hear his own thoughts. and once the seizure was done, he immediately passed out. 


toby woke up multiple times in the hospital. but he kept falling back asleep before he was able to answer anyone. 

he knew something was wrong when he saw cam's parents sitting there with his own parents. cameron's fathers eyes stared at the ground as tears ran down his face. cam's mothers eyes were squeezed shut, the skin around her eyes were red and puffy. she looked like she'd been crying for awhile. a tissue was clutched tightly in her left hand, she brought it up to her face and wiped the area under her eyes. thats when she locked eyes with toby's. she smiled weakly and tapped toby's mothers arm. 

"toby! oh thank god you're okay!" his mother and father stood up quickly and rushed to the side of the hospital bed. his mother clutched his hand and squeezed it. 

"c-ca.." toby's voice disappeared before he could say his best friends name. cam's mother seemed to break down again as another sob left her throat and her husband lead her out of the room. 

his mother smiled sweetly at him, tears forming in her eyes. "cam's okay sweety. he's okay." 

toby shook his head. as much as he wanted to believe that he couldn't. he watched cameron die.  he saw the bullet fly through the air. he watched as cameron crumpled as soon as the bullet hit him, watched him fly to the ground. watched the blood seep through his blond hair and onto the tiled ground. he watched the life leave his best friend's eyes. 

"he- i- wa-watched.." toby whispered out roughly. his mother gave a sympathetic look before kissing his forehead. 

"you look like you need some water." 

a/n : 


oak trees // misfits जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें