Princeit- You're just gonna want it

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Prompt- "Oh I'm not going to force you," deceit said slyly, "you're going to want it all on your own."

Warnings- Aphrodisiac, restraints, non-con, semi wanted overstimulation, tentacles, anal penetration, mind break.
Roman woke up dizzy and sore, there was something covering his eyes and pain as something digs into his wrists and ankles making him unable to move. He suddenly hears a freak at the door. "H-hello." He stutters, voice a bit strained from lack of use.  "Who's there." He speaks up a bit gaining confidence through fear. "Oh, you don't remember? Lovely, this will make this all the more fun." Roman heard footsteps getting closer and then a flash of light blinds him as his eyes try's to adjust to the setting around him. Once everything comes into focus he sees a lamp pointing directly at him with the rest of the room creeping with darkness. "Too bright?" The dark silhouette asked before he tilted the lamp towards the floor to slightly illuminate the room.

Roman's eyes lifted to stare at the figure before him, there dressed in all black with yellow accents, "Deceit?" Roman questions in an almost disbelieving time. "What're you doing here, how are you here, I thought you were gone, where ar-"
"Quite a lot of questions we have here don't we? I'll answer one but you better ask quick before I get impatient." Deceit paced in front of a still stuck Roman. "Why am I here?" Roman shakily replied. "Ah, that's a good question. You're here because I want you here." Deceit crouches in front of Roman getting a bit too close for comfort. "What do you mean? Why do you want-"
"What did I say about asking questions? Shut up and listen." Deceit snapped standing up straight then pulling a chair from the darkness looming around them and sitting in front of Roman.

They sit in an odd silence for a few minutes with Roman squirming in his seat, obviously uncomfortable with the locked eye contact Deceit is directing at him. "Tell me what you want please, just let me go. I have nothing you could want, I don't even know what I'm here for." Deceit simply stares back at Roman as if he's waiting for something to start. Then there's something at Roman's ankle, cold and almost slimy wrapping around it slowly sliding up his pant leg. "What the fuck. What is this. Deceit what're you doing, whatever it is stop please, tell me, what do you want." Roman rambles as he tries to thrash whatever is leeching to his leg away, failing as he is still tied to the chair. "Shh shh shh," He tuts "there's no point rambling on like that just yet, I've hardly done anything. Plus I've already given you my answer. I'm doing what I want, to who I want." The tentacle slithers up Roman's thigh, groping and rubbing. Another crawls up his chest, throat and then with a quick gasp from Roman it spreads across his mouth and nose smothering him for a second before releasing a gas of some sort. It releases from Roman's face not a moment later. "What, the fuck, was that." Romans face was already flushed from shock and fear, making deceit growl with arousal as his tentacles slid down Roman's red flushed chest. "That was a drug produced by the tentacles currently wrapped around you." Roman's eyes widened searching deceits face for a clue as to what it does. He's pretty sure as to what but he doesn't want to think about it because he won't be reduced to that.

"What does it do, what did you do to me!" Roman shouts desperate for a different answer but he knows he won't get one. He feels his body flushing and his head being filled with images he'd rather not see in this situation. "Oh sweetie, you already know." Deceit reached out to cup his cheek, stroking along Roman's cheekbone. "W-why?" Roman manages to get out before the tentacles start trailing beneath clothing, ripping the fabric off Roman leaving him in nothing but small shreds of the torn material. Roman's head is spinning as his mind is clouded by the aphrodisiac, his cock swelling in his jeans. "Deceit, please. I d-don't know what I did. Why are you doing this?" Roman pleaded as he became more desperate, he just wanted to get away. "Oh baby you didn't do anything, I'm doing this because it's what I want, because you're what I need. You're thing that gives me the most pleasure out of life and tonight, you're gonna be mine whether you like it or not. Deceit whispered into Romans ear. "But you can't, you can't make me. You can't force me to do this." Romans eyes dilate in fear and a slight touch of lust. "Oh I'm not going to force you," deceit said slyly, "you're going to want it all on your own." More gas is released from the tentacles almost making Roman pass out. He then felt a tentacle slowly wrap around his cock, teasing as they slowly stroke sending small spikes of pleasure to Roman who is squirming in his seat. Roman squeaks and tugs as the tentacles untie him from the chair and lift him to a standing position, holding his arms above his head.

"Come on baby stop fighting, I'm gonna make you feel so good." Deceit guides another of his tentacles to Romans ass slowly rubbing the soft skin. "Please I don't want this." Roman cries in a soft weak voice trying to cover himself up. The tentacle on his ass moves to his entrance, a look of fear strikes Roman's face for a moment before a tentacle latches onto his face again forcing more gas into his lungs. Roman whines as the tentacle penetrates his entrance and it all gets too much too quick and he comes on his stomach. "Good boy," Roman praises "you finished just for me." Roman twitches as the tentacles move slowly inside him and along his cock. "Too, m-much."
"Shhhh, it's ok." Deceit says pulling Romans hair back, continuing the slow movements, in and out. Roman whines from sensitivity and deceit stops, stroking his hair. "The drugs will leave your system in a bit but until then you might be a little, uncomfortable." Then tentacles retreat from Roman and disappear but that doesn't mean deceit plans to leave Roman completely free. He leaves the restraints tying him to the chair and walks away leaving Roman naked, hard and completely stuck.

After a couple of hours Roman hears footsteps outside the door. "H-hello?" He calls out, voice still shaking. "Roman?" A voice calls back. Roman shouts for help and Logan opened the door to see the remains of what had happened. "Are you alright? I should get you some water." Logan says untying Roman and laying him on the bed. He doesn't question what's happened, he knows, this wasn't the first time Deceit has visited one of them but he was almost positive it wasn't going to be his last either.

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⏰ Last updated: May 15, 2019 ⏰

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