Battle of the Grimm

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Yang looks across the field and cavern and sees more and more Grimm emerge from the pits of black ooze. She glared forward and closed her eyes. She began to take in deep breaths and began to calm down from her anger and warrior high. She then opened her eyes and see the incoming beasts of war. She loaded her shotguns once again and entered a battle stance.

Yang: (Thinking) Alright Yang. Remember what you told (Y/N). Deep breath in...and out. got this Yang. Nothing to big. Nothing to small. Just an entire army of Grimm that has unlimited re-spawns. This should be fine. Completely fine. (Takes in another deep breath) Alright, let's roll!

Yang yells and runs forward; she quickly begins to attack, her first being a punch to a Beowolf, going across its face. She spins around and elbows another on in the snout. Yang spins around and wraps her arms around the neck of the Grimm she elbowed and snapped its neck. She leapt up onto the corpse and backflipped across several more Grimm before she landed on the ground and got ready to attack another Grimm. She slammed her hands together and fired off several rounds and slide backwards and stopped just before another Grimm.

Yang dodged the slash coming in from an Ursa Major, firing backwards to propel herself forward. Yang fired down and launched herself up into the air and she unleashed round after round into the Grimm's head. Once she landed, the Ursa slammed its paw down towards her, but Yang caught it and fired two massive blasts at the Ursa's chest. She got around the monster and ripped a spike from its back before she pushed it through, killing the beast.

Another Creep pounced towards her and Yang ducked under the Grimm and threw a punch at it, killing it instantly. An Ursa attempted to slap her across her chest and Yang evaded by rolling forward. She began to back up and the Ursa swung again but Yang blocked the attack and gave the Ursa a left hook and then an upper cut straight to it's lower jaw. Yang slammed both her hands onto its back leg and threw another punch and broke the Ursa's leg. Yang grabbed the Grimm and picked it up and threw it off of her person and towards the incoming crowd of Grimm.

Yang: (panting) Come on!!! Who's next??!!

Suddenly, a Death Stalker appeared behind her and began to attack. Yang back stepped constantly while the scorpion got closer and closer to her. As the fourth claw strike came towards her, Yang raised a hand and grabbed the Death Stalker's claw. She rolled over the claw and slammed her fist into the head of the scorpion. She then punched through three of it's eyes in succession and grabbed a tooth from the Grimm and ripped it off.

She took the took and jabbed it into another eye before punching it as well. Yang leapt up onto the back of the Death Stalker and fully activated her semblance, ran to the tail and ripped it off. She leapt forward and slammed in across some more Grimm. Yang began to use the tail like a bat and hit several more Grimm with it until she threw it back to five Beowolves charging her, taking them out or pinning them to the ground. As it pounced at her, Yang rolled along the back of another Beowolf and kicked another in the face before she punched the first in the back and killed it.

Yang looked up and saw more Grimm coming from a pool a few levels above from her. She leapt up on some rocks and fired off a few rounds towards the pool. She then realized what needed to be done and leapt up further. Yang punched the stone wall and took some rocks and threw it towards the inbound Grimm.

After throwing away several rocks and killing some of the younger Grimm, Yang punched the wall again and began to weaken the cave structure. Yang looked up and saw a massive stalactite on the ceiling. Realizing what had to be done, Yang smirked before she reloaded her gauntlets, ready to attack again. Taking aim, Yang fired off a few rounds of her shotguns towards the rock formation. The stalactite fell towards the ooze and Yang leapt backwards as the rock destroyed the ooze.

The rocks began to tumble along as well and destroyed more sources of the Grimm pools. Yang threw more punches to knock over even more rocks. Yang activated her semblance again and began to throw powerful punches left and right. Yang landed and ran over towards another group of Grimm and fired at the ground launched herself into the air. Yang went through the air and slammed her fists down onto the ground and caused a massive shockwave that killed dozens.

Yang then began to roam around and punch several different Grimm all around her. Yang was able to take out weaken Death Stalkers, Beowolves, Creeps, even a medium sized King Taijitu as she read around. Yang also threw several different punches around the walls, constantly having the cave come down around her. She threw several different punches before coming to a stop and seeing she was surrounded.


An Ursa roared and slowly began to approach Yang to attack.

Yang: Come on! (Sheds a tear; to herself) At least he's safe.

A loud boom was heard and Yang looked behind her and saw two bullheads fly into the area. Several rounds were fired and she glanced up and smiled at the sight, especially who was inside.

(Y/N): Told you I wouldn't leave!

Yang: (Sighs) That's my sweetie!

You had entered the cave with two bullheads piloted by members of the convoy. Inside were both your team, Yang's team and even her uncle Qrow and her father, Taiyang. Ruby apparently contacted them both for help. You, Ruby, Silver, Qrow and Tai all leapt out of the ship. You landed and ran up next to Yang.

Yang: (Y/N)-

You didn't even wait for her to get a sentence out. You smashed your lips onto hers and spun her around in the air. Finally, you broke the kiss and pulled her close to you in an tight embrace.

(Y/N): Don't you EVER do something that stupid again!

Yang: Since when do you give me orders?

(Y/N): Why? You want to give me one?

Yang: Yes! Kiss me again!

You did so without hesitation and smashed your lips onto hers. You two slowly pulled back a bit and kissed one another again. An explosion went off behind you two and Team RWBY along with Tai landed while Qrow led your team out to combat the rest of the Grimm. Qrow had unleashed his scythe along with Ruby and both were taking out the most Grimm. Burly, Silver and Gure were always dealing heavy damage as you all watched with Weiss and Blake supporting from the back.

Meanwhile, Yang's father turned back and rolled his eyes at you two. You and Yang were in a tight embrace until Tai pulled you two apart.

Taiyang: Hi, Taiyang, Yang's father. How about we focus on killing Grimm then go all lovey dovey especially with my DAUGHTER.

(Y/N): R-Right. S-Sorry, s-sir.

Taiyang nodded and ran off into battle. Yang and you went back to back and began to fight as well. With the added support from the bullheads, the Grimm pools were quickly coming down with no problem. You and Yang went back to back and began to fight off more and more Grimm. Yang had informed you all that falling rocks would be the most efficient way of disposing of the portals.

With that, everyone began aiming for the celling and brining down the cave along with it. While most were able to destroy the pools, others almost hit your friends and family members. As a heavy result, you relegated the destruction to the bullheads and less on you guys. The two of you continued to fight, going through the same motions, over and over again until finally the Grimm were all eliminated. You and your friends all cheered and celebrated over the victory. You were about to kiss Yang again until you saw her father glancing over at you. As such, you just patted her back in a hug and let her go.

Burly: Now my friends, let us head-

A massive roar went off from within the caves. You all glanced over and saw the floor rumble a bit and a sense of dread emerge from you. From the wall broke out a giant lizard like Grimm. It opened its twelve eyes and looked directly at you. This was the Grimm queen.

Burly: I spoke too soon.

(Y/N): You don't say, huh Burly? You don't FRICKING SAY??!!!

Yang Xiao Long X Shy Male Reader: The Man of BraveryWhere stories live. Discover now