Breeding Grounds

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You and Yang looked on in both horror and utter fear at seeing all of kinds of Grimm crawling out of pits and making their way over towards different pipes and exits of the cavern. There were some small roars here and there around the nest, seemingly from larger Grimm. You and Yang glanced at one another and Yang quickly gained a determined look and readied her gauntlets for battle. She turned to you seemingly more determined than ever before.

Yang: Go. Lead these people out of here and call Ruby.

(Y/N): W-What? What are y-you going to do?

Yang looked back to the nest. Your eyes widen in realization at what she was planing on doing. A small tear was about to roll out until you sucked it back into your eye. You grabbed her arm and forced her to look at you.

(Y/N): Y-Yang. That's suicide. You wont make it out!

Yang: Then I can buy you some time to get these people out of here. I can bring the cave down onto this place and finish it.

(Y/N): I'm not losing you like that!

Yang: (Y/N), you won't lose me. I'm doing what a huntress should.

(Y/N): And-and what do you-you think it will do to me?

Yang looked at you with a hard sense of sympathy. She sighs and kisses you, almost like this was her last time doing it. Yang was about to walk off but you grabbed her arm and stopped her. You pulled her back and stopped her right before you.

(Y/N): Call Ruby first.

Yang: (Y/N). We can't afford th-

(Y/N): Call her.

Yang nodded and grabbed her scroll. She dialed Ruby and put it right to her ear.

Yang: Ruby. Listen we...wait, seriously. Ok. Look, we found a Grimm nest. (Y/N)'s going to be top side with a bunch of civilians. I'll be down here. Goodbye, sis. I love you.

Yang hung up her scroll and placed it on your chest and began to walk back over to the cliff. You got a little anxious and grabbed Yang again and pulled her back to you. You looked her dead in the eye and stopped her from moving. Yang gave you a sympathetic look and saw the tears in your eyes. She leaned forward a bit and kissed your cheek.

(Y/N): I'm NOT letting you go!

Yang: I know. (Tears up) You never did.

You don't get your chance to respond as Yang pushes you away and falls backward into the pit.

(Y/N): YANG!

She offers you a smile as she falls down. Yang fires off a few rounds from her shotgun and hits the roof of cave and blocks the entrance for both you and the Grimm. You began to bang on the rocks until an elderly man grabbed your shoulder and got you to stop. He shook his head at you, telling you to leave. You sighed and understood what you had to do and what Yang wanted you to do. You began to guide the people out of the pit and hopefully, you ran through the caverns and towards the pit itself.

After running around for a while you were all able to find the exit. It was a horizontal cave pathway out, still deep in the woods but it was away from danger. Or at least you thought until you heard gunfire going off. You continued to look around and saw there was some cover and the gunfire sounded like it was behind the entrance to this cave. You turned to the oldest members of the convoy.

(Y/N): Ok. Oldest members with me first. Tree lines are about 15 feet away from the pit. Run to those and take cover.

They nod and you grab two of the elderly people and leapt up. You grabbed the ledge and began to climb up slowly. Once you got to the top, you got out of the cave and let the elders run away. A few gun shots are heard and a few bullets run past your head. You turn back and see Shay run up and tackles you to the ground. He throws a punch down at you and hits your nose. You grip it and he grabs your collar.

Shay raises your head and slams in back onto the ground. He throws another punch at you but you block the punch and head butt him in response. Shay reels back but cannot counter your next punch to the face. He does counter the next punch and trips you back onto the ground and held your head over the pit's entrance.

Shay: You piece of garbage! Huntsmen! HUNTSMEN?! I'm going to beat the life out of you.

Shay began to punch you across your face, over and over again. You blocked a few of his punches and kept him at bay.

(Y/N): I d-didnt do anything!

Shay: Bull! You little piece of sh-

Shay kept punching your face until you blocked a few more punches. As he kept punching you, you blocked a few more punches until Shay stopped and broke your defenses with a single blow.

Shay: Now. I'm gonna kill you. And I'm going to take that blonde of yours and-

Something smashed a rock against the back of Shay's head and he falls into the pit below you. You look up and sees an elderly man that you just rescued. He gave you a smile and nodded at you. You also smiled and looked back down into the pit. Shay lands on his back and groans as you slowly sit up. He glances around and sees the members of the convoy look at him. He looks up at you and takes a pistol out to aim it.

Shay: I'll-

Convoy Member: Wait?! Didn't he rob us and leave us down here to die?!

Shay: Who the hell are-

Convoy Leader: Get him!

With that, the five remaining members of the convoy run at Shay and attack him. They begin to beat Shay, punching him in the face or kicking him in the legs, stomach, and back. You name it, they hit it. And yes, they even kicking him in the balls. Several times actually. You slowly climb back down into the bit and see the attack on the bandit. You slowly walk up to the group and the convoy sees you and backs away real quick. Shay looks up and sees you glaring down at him. He almost seems to quiver in fear and slowly back up in fear. You grab his collar and pull Shay up to look level with you.

(Y/N): Now, two things: One, what huntsmen?

Shay: The little red cape girl? Scythe? Didn't you call her and those bas-

(Y/N): Ruby? They are close. And now, what was it that you said about my girl?

Shay gave a nervous laugh until you reeled back a fist and hit him in the face.


Yang rolls forward and counters another Grimm and punches them away. Suddenly, another Beowolf slash hits her and sends Yang flying into a wall. She glances up and sees another Grimm coming down towards her to attack. Yang gasps as she see the attack coming in. She rolls forward and spins around only to punch the Grimm into the stone wall. She picked up the body and threw it into another Grimm.

Yang yelled as she charged forward to attack more of the monsters.


Shay hits the rocky wall, blood on his face. Both you and the convoy look on in anger after Shay passes out and falls to the ground. You turned back to to the people and offered them some help up, to which, they accept. You begin to climb up and out of the pit and drop them off and they ran in the same direction of the elderly couple from before. You did the same thing again with the last three convoy members and got them out of the battlefield.

Then, Raven and Vernal were thrown back towards you. Vernal passes past you and hits the edge of the pit but flies back to the other side and hits a tree. Raven rolls along the ground and hits another tree. The last of the bandits, Marigold, flies in from the woods and slides along the ground and went face down, nearly hitting the pit itself. You turned back to the woods and saw a few people you were more than happy to see. 

Yang Xiao Long X Shy Male Reader: The Man of BraveryWhere stories live. Discover now