Welcome to Vacuo

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After the Kraken had utterly destroyed your father's ship, he and his crew along with you and your friends used the secondary boats to reach Vacuo's shoreline. The boats themselves were just longboats with masts and sails on them as a means of making travel a bit faster. Other than that, not much to really say about the secondary boats. You were still in shock at using your semblance when you had no intention of. Luckily for not only, but everyone else, you were able to shut it down before you could hurt anyone that wasn't a giant Grimm with the intention of killing you all.

The ride back to Vacuo itself wasn't anything of serious note. It was a simple boat ride at this point. Your father still had a majority of the money he "made" while on his voyages and you and your friends were all in good health. Well, except Gure but then again, he was beyond drunk of his butt. You were sitting next to Yang and Gure was lying asleep just at your feet. You were basically twittering your thumbs while Yang looked around at the sights of the big blue ocean before you could all see the Vacuo shoreline.

You got a little visibly worried while on the boat ride due to your semblance and Yang was not only quick to see it, but quick to react to it.

Yang: You doing alright?

(Y/N): I guess. I think. Sorry about that...back there.

Yang: Well...we'll work on it.

(Y/N): Like a lot of me.

Yang: Don't say it like that. You'll be just fine. Just like you already are.

You softly smiled as Yang continued to emotionally support you. As you both lean against one another. Gure slowly begins to sit up but falls back over onto his back, earning a laugh from both you and Yang and an eye roll from Blake. After another hour and a half of sailing towards Vacuo, you glance up and see it. The shoreline of the kingdom and the port city of Tortuga. The ships began to flow towards the port city.

Finally, reaching the shore, your father guided you and your friends throughout the town. Several drunk men did attempt to catcall your girlfriend and the members of Team RWBY. After a few more calls, Yang punches the air and she fires off a round and hits one of the drunks in the face.

(Y/N): Welcome to Vacuo.

Weiss: Please tell me this isn't a usual thing.

Clay: Oh, it's more usual than you think.

Weiss: Well, that's lovely. (Sees Gure) And is he still drunk?!

Gure: No. Just dealing with a headache. (Blake pulls him into an embrace and guides him) Thanks, Kitty.

The nine of you walk through the streets of Tortuga and Yang takes in the sights of the drunken town. You look over to Yang to see her getting more and more uncomfortable at the situation. You gave a nervous look and turned to your father.

(Y/N): Dad?

Clay: I know son, I know. We're almost to where we need to go.

Your father kept leading your friends throughout the town, finally stopping at a transportation inn. Your father used his remaining Lien to buy a small, shotty bus thing and drive you all to Vacuo. Blake and Gure sat in the back, trying to keep him at ease as he threw up on the ride. Burly, Ruby, Silver and Weiss looked out across the desert that was Vacuo for any oncoming enemies. Yang also joined them shortly after you sat next to your father.

The two of you sat in silence for a majority of the trip. With only a few glances at one another.

Clay: You should get some rest. That attack was something else. Semblance?

(Y/N): Death wish, more or less.

Clay: Good name for it.

(Y/N): Well, it's still a bad one.

Clay: What happened to you? I'd thought you were more...I don't know, confident?

(Y/N): Well, maybe if you stayed home-

Clay: Now, don't you do that again. I already told you why I left. I'm still married to your mother and I am still your father. What do you want me to do, apologize for helping out the family?

(Y/N): Yeah, kinda. You left us.

Clay: I left you to support you. Sorry the world isn't perfect. Financial trouble, Grimm, piracy, crime, it all exists. It's all of matter of how you deal with it. Now, get your friends ready. We should be at Vacuo within an hour or two.

You nodded and leaned over and closed your eyes. After an hour long nap, you and your friends returned back to Vacuo, the capital of the entire kingdom and your home town. Your father drove up to a small neighborhood and parked your bus and everyone gets out. They all glance around to see the place where they have stopped. Silver turns to you with a seemingly soft smile.

Silver: You're home?

(Y/N): Y-Yeah.

Burly walks up to you and slaps your back playfully with a laugh to his voice as well.

Burly: Well, my friend, we should see what things are like here in Vacuo, yes?

(Y/N): I-I-It's not pretty.

Ruby: I'm sure it is! Just you wait! Let's go gang!

With that, Weiss, Blake, Gure, and Yang follow Ruby. Silver looks on a bit dumbfounded as Burly keeps with the smile.

Silver: Since when did she become the leader of all of us?

Burly: Since now, my friend. I recommend a duel.

Silver: That's your answer to everything.

Burly: Exactly. It completely resolves every issue. No consequences.

Silver: Uh, I don't think that's right.

Burly: Don't care.

Burly laughed as he and Silver walked up through the neighborhood. You glanced back to see your father, standing at the bus, seemingly checking up on it and popping the hood to get a full check on its systems. Sighing, you begin to walk up to your father and lean onto the side of the bus.

(Y/N): Everything, ok, Dad?

Clay: Yeah. Just dandy there, son.

(Y/N): You, gonna come with us?

Clay: Mhm? No-no-no. I just cant do that.

(Y/N): Dad? Please?

Clay: (Y/N). I'm not going to ruin your good day. Go see your mom again. I'm going to go wrap up the boys. See what we cant pillage, or, something like that.

(Y/N): I think it would be a better day if you were there too.

Clay: Not according to your mother. Just-

(Y/N): Dad. Please. Just this once.

Your father sighs and stands up. He looks at you and just nods in response. You walk up to your home with your friends and father. You knock on the door and wait a few seconds until your mother opens the door.

Mother: (Y/N)! Oh, baby, you're home!

She hugs you and peppers your face with kisses.

(Y/N): Hey, mom. J-Just stopping by with some friends. And-uh-

Your mother looks up and gasps.

Mother: Clay?

Clay: Hey...Mocha.

Yang Xiao Long X Shy Male Reader: The Man of BraveryWhere stories live. Discover now